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File Number: 16-287 <br />piece of non-functioning equipment. <br />Environmental Services - Revenues decreased by $232,000 or 25% due to a decrease <br />in grant funds received (-$43,000), a decrease in charges for service ($21,000), and an <br />annual transfer in of $132,782 from the Water Pollution Control Plant for Sewer Inspections <br />that was recorded as of the third-quarter of 2014-15, but not yet in 2015-16. <br />Shoreline Enterprise - Expenditures decreased by $324,000 or 27% due to a $197,000 <br />golf course debt service payment not yet recorded in 2015-16, $31,000 less spent for <br />Abandoned Watercraft Grant efforts, $172,000 in Marina debt service payments not yet <br />recorded in 2015-16. <br />Storm Water - Expenditures increased by $102,000 or 13% due entirely to increased <br />street cleaning activity. <br />Facilities Maintenance - Revenues increased by $403,000 or 18% due entirely to an <br />increase in interdepartmental charges assessed on other City divisions. Expenditures <br />increased by $254,000 or 12% due to continued capital improvements to City Facilities <br />including roof, window, and HVAC repairs. <br />Insurance Services - Revenues increased by $1.1 million or 32% due to a $1.75 million <br />transfer of General Fund operating surplus to the Self-Insurance Fund to pay down unfunded <br />retiree healthcare expenses. This is part of the City’s Prioritizing Unfunded Liability Liquidation <br />(PULL) program. Expenditures increased by $1.1 million or 32% due to a higher level of <br />premiums and claims paid in 2015-16 as opposed to 2014-15 at the same point in the fiscal <br />year. Specific claims cannot be discussed due to confidentiality. <br />Equipment Maintenance - Revenues decreased by $440,000 or 20% due to one- time <br />heavy equipment replacements and new police vehicles in 2014-15. Expenditures increased <br />by $454,000 or 38% due to quicker recordation of Police Vehicle Leasing payments in <br />2015-16. <br />Special Revenue Funds <br />Revenues and expenses for the City's operating Special Revenue Funds are included in the <br />report. Revenues and expenditures for the Parking Fund, Gas Tax Fund, Heron Bay <br />Maintenance Fund, Housing Services Funds, Business Improvement District Fund, and the <br />Public Education & Government Access Fund are provided. <br /> <br />The following details year over year Special Revenue Funds expenditure or revenue <br />variances that are equal to or greater than + or - 10% and are presented in the order they are <br />shown on the third quarter financial report: <br />Parking Fund - Expenditures decreased by $29,000 or 13% due primarily to decreases in <br />parking meter costs. The City is no longer paying a major non-operational parking vendor that <br />is in bankruptcy proceedings. <br />Gas Tax - Street Maintenance - Revenues decreased by $702,000 or 39% due to a <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/1/2016