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File Number: 16-287 <br />significant decline in gasoline prices and a change in methodology used by the State to <br />disburse Highway User Tax revenues. Expenditures increased by $488,000 or 38% due to <br />new traffic signs purchased, continually increasing costs to repair and maintain the City’s <br />streets due to wear and tear, and the City’s street sealing program that was not done by the <br />third quarter of 2014-15. <br />Asset Seizure - Revenues increased by $53,000 or 651% due to new seizure <br />disbursements received by granting agencies. Expenditures increased by $17,000 or 92%, <br />due to increased revenues which allowed seized funds to be spent on appropriate <br />expenditures. <br />Heron Bay - Revenues decreased by $341,000 or 99% due entirely to the timing of <br />special tax assessments recorded by the third quarter of 2014-15 that were not yet recorded <br />by the third quarter of 2015-16. Expenditures increased by $79,000 or 43% due to $25,000 in <br />increased costs for Marshland Maintenance and $43,000 paid to Alameda County due to <br />repair and maintenance efforts performed by their staff. <br />Housing Funds - Revenues decreased by $425,000 or 51% due primarily to decreases in <br />Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) payments. Expenditures decreased by <br />$753,000 or 64% due to a development payment made to Allied Housing for $640,000 for the <br />Cornerstone Apartments predevelopment in 2014-15. <br />Business Improvement District -Expenditures increased by $249,000 or 150% due <br />entirely to expansion of the Links Shuttle service. <br />Public Education & Government Fees Fund - Expenditures decreased by $29,000 or <br />48% due to the completed upgrade of the City Council Chambers in 2014-15 to allow for video <br />access to meetings. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />·Third Quarter Financial Report <br />PREPARED BY: David Baum, Finance Director, Finance Department <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/1/2016