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File Number: 16-365 <br />resource planning process to encourage development of comprehensive plans that meet <br />California’s GHG reduction goals. <br />With the engagement of federal and state agencies, clean energy generation and storage <br />grant opportunities are providing opportunities for public/private partnerships that pave the <br />way to scaling renewable energy generation. <br />CEC’s EPIC Challenge: Accelerating the Deployment of Advanced Energy Communities <br />(GFO-15-312) <br />The opportunity to create a renewable energy micro grid project in San Leandro grew out of <br />San Leandro Solar Week in April 2015 <br /><>. Building a micro grid would <br />leverage San Leandro’s public and private real estate assets to create a locally-generated <br />renewable energy network that would meet - and likely surpass - the goals of San Leandro’s <br />Climate Action Plan and other federal and state energy mandates. <br />In December 2015, a strategic collaboration was formed to apply for a grant under the <br />California Energy Commission’s (“CEC”) Electric Program Investment Charge (“EPIC”) <br /><> program, “Accelerating the Deployment of <br />Advanced Energy Communities”. The partner organizations included ZipPower LLC <br /><> (grant lead), the City of San Leandro, OSIsoft <br /><>, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs <>, GELI <br /><>, PG&E <> and California ISO <br /><>. <br />In late March, the CEC notified ZipPower that its proposal had been awarded a $1.5 million <br />grant. The grant will fund development and prototyping of the ZipPower™ platform and <br />scored 2nd in a field of 10 applicants in its group (see attachment). It should be noted that the <br />original project applicant, Olidata Smart Cities, LLC has been renamed and rebranded as <br />ZipPower LLC. <br />The CEC award will fund design of ZipPower™ - a local renewable energy program that will <br />work to scale adoption and installation of renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.), including <br />energy efficiency, battery storage, electric vehicles and other emerging clean and <br />energy-related technologies across San Leandro. Most significantly, ZipPower proposes to <br />connect these energy systems to each other through a distributed energy “micro grid” that <br />increases energy resiliency (local electricity generation) and improves PG&E’s ability to <br />balance new “Distributed Energy Resources” - the future envisioned by Governor Brown in <br />passing SB 350. California utilities are now required to figure out how they fit into a future <br />where energy comes from many and varied sources instead of a few, often carbon-based <br />resources controlled by a few companies (coal, hydro, nuclear, etc.). <br />Staff’s role in this grant will ensure that the developing program and platform integrates with <br />City policies and resources related to energy, including: <br />1. Optimal sites: Help identify optimal sites and site owners within San Leandro - <br />e.g. the “Top 25” <br />2. Emergency Locations: Identify emergency locations - e.g. City Hall, hospital, <br />police station, fire station, etc. - to provide backup power during major <br />emergencies <br />3. Incentives: Help design a ZipPower city-based incentive program that helps <br />accelerate participation <br />4. Permitting: Help design a more automated planning & permitting solution with <br />ZipPower and Accela <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2016 <br />14