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3A Presentation 2016 0718
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Packet 2016 0718
3A Presentation 2016 0718
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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File Number: 16-365 <br />5. Waste-to-Energy: Facilitate ZipPower development of waste-to-energy plan, <br />including assessing resources and vendors <br />6. New Development: Provide PG&E with plans for new development across city <br />to ensure optimal grid planning <br />The grant allocates $92K for staff time contributed toward completion of grant objectives. <br />Pacific Gas & Electric Company <br />The importance of PG&E’s collaboration in this grant application cannot be overstated. PG&E <br />is committed to a future where energy resources are distributed, not centralized. On June 21, <br />2016, ZipPower’s partner, PG&E, announced it would not seek to renew licenses to operate <br />the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant <br />< <br />wables-effi/421297/>, which would expire in 2024 and 2025. Instead, the plant will be closed <br />and energy production replaced with a combination of renewable energy, efficiency and <br />energy storage. Diablo is the last nuclear plant in California and provides about 9% of <br />California’s electricity. <br />What is ZipPower™? <br />ZipPower™ will be a cloud platform <>cloud <br />platform, a web application that can be accessed by a range of computers and smart devices <br />through shared processing resources (“the cloud”). Every member of the San Leandro <br />community will be invited and encouraged to become a member of this energy advisory <br />platform, at no cost, where members learn how even small investments in energy efficiency <br />will save money; cost savings and contributions to greenhouse gas reduction and other <br />environmental impacts will be tracked by the member, providing instant feedback regarding <br />impact of energy changes; neighbor members will be able to engage in friendly competition to <br />accelerate energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals; and cumulative data from all member <br />activities will be aggregated to provide specific data to the City across a wide range of energy <br />metrics, including status of greenhouse gas emissions and progress toward citywide reduction <br />goals. <br />ZipPower™ will also provide services and products that bridge the existing technology and <br />communications gap between San Leandro property owners interested in placing solar on <br />their property and the myriad of solar sellers and funding programs trying to sell to them. <br />Whether in the City’s industrial area or residential areas, there are a number of solar <br />companies knocking on doors and pitching solar solutions that promise to save money. <br />Whether purchase, lease or Purchase Power Agreement (“PPA”) is proposed, the property <br />owner is too often overwhelmed by conflicting proposals and will choose to do nothing at all. <br />ZipPower proposes to end this confusion by providing every interested ZipPower member or <br />San Leandro property owner a solar energy feasibility analysis based on existing PG&E data <br />and physical assets and constraints of the property. If assessment shows a potential <br />configuration that could produce a positive Return on Investment (“ROI”), recommendations <br />will include one or more financing options based on individual or company financial, tax and <br />energy goals. As discussions progress, recommended improvements including building <br />upgrades, energy efficiencies, battery storage, etc. may also be provided. <br />The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that of the 4 trillion kilowatt hours of <br />electricity generated in 2015, renewables produced only 7% of the total. The key opportunity <br />for the City of San Leandro and its partners is to facilitate the adoption of energy creation and <br />efficiency citywide through creation of a platform that connects community to common goals <br />around energy and each other. This platform initially will be a technology platform, one that <br />engages, educates, connects, facilitates desired energy transactions, saves cost through <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2016 <br />15
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