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File Number: 16-358 <br />proposal acknowledges the importance of San Leandro’s past, staff contends that it is an <br />inadequate substitute for architectural forms that reflect the history of the site or the <br />community context within which the project occurs. Staff recommends that the applicant <br />pursue a more context sensitive design response to site opportunities rather than <br />memorializing what exists. <br />In addition to context sensitivity, the project should consider a comprehensive urban design <br />approach to establish a hierarchy of storefronts (major, intermediate, and small), with <br />appropriate designs for each type of storefront to reflect the varying size and importance of <br />places. The recent version of the proposed plans has been modified to include a hierarchy of <br />storefronts, indicated by the various tower sizes (Tower A - major sign tower; tower B - minor <br />sign tower; tower C - sign). While a sign hierarchy is important, this approach makes building <br />form secondary to advertising and does nothing to create visual interest, reflect a sense of <br />place, or contribute to the image of San Leandro <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to the California <br />Environmental Quality Act per (CEQA) Guideline Article 19 Section 15301 Existing Facilities. <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />PLN15-0031 was heard at the March 17, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. Following staff <br />and applicant presentations and questions, the Planning Commission discussed the merits of <br />the proposed façade project and voted four in favor and two opposed, with one abstention, to <br />continue the item to the May 19 meeting. <br />The Commission asked the applicant to revise its plans to meet the General Plan objectives <br />stated in the staff report (see the attached minutes of the March 17 Planning Commission <br />meeting.) The applicant, Weingarten Realty Investors, decided against drawing up new plans; <br />in the attached email dated May 9, 2016 Weingarten stated that it would “not be submitting an <br />alternative design.” At the May 19 meeting, the Planning Commission disapproved the <br />proposal to modify PD-83-3. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />For the City Council meeting of July 18, the following public outreach was performed: a legal <br />advertisement for the public hearing was placed in the Daily Review newspaper on Friday, <br />July 8, 2016; notification letters were mailed to the property owners and business owners <br />within 500 feet of the subject property and public notification placards were posted on the <br />utility poles and building elements adjacent to and near the subject property. This is similar to <br />the notification for the March 17, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. A continuance of that <br />meeting to a date certain, May 19, 2016, did not require any further notification. <br />Recommendation <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2016 <br />40