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File Number: 16-358 <br />Staff recommends that the City Council affirm the Planning Commission’s disapproval of the <br />project due to its inconsistency with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, because the <br />project: <br />·Conflicts with General Plan Goals 42 (Sense of Place) and 43 (Quality Construction <br />and Design). The proposed modifications would remove architectural elements that <br />reflect project context and the unique characteristics of the site, and would replace <br />them with sign towers using standard corporate architecture that fails to <br />acknowledge attributes of the architecture unique and historically significant to San <br />Leandro; <br />·Does not satisfy the provisions of the Planned Development process because it <br />abandons the original design concept for the property, does not comprehensively <br />address storefront design within the center, and fails to propose superior urban <br />design as required for Planned Development Projects, per Zoning Code Section 3- <br />1018; <br />·The proposed project’s architecture would be described as corporate eclectic in that <br />it would be employing multiple roof forms, building materials, and colors. Façade <br />changes proposed for multiple, but not all, buildings creates an inconsistent <br />treatment. The result would be building forms that fail to create a cohesive identity <br />for the site with recognition of its part within the larger shopping development, or <br />provide architectural forms that reference San Leandro or harken to its past; and <br />·The standardized design, materials and colors communicates a commercial <br />development that is typical of other such projects throughout the state. The design <br />fails to orient to, or reflect the surrounding community or San Leandro and creates a <br />sense of independent commercial development, detached from the Greenhouse <br />Marketplace Shopping Center and surrounding neighborhood. <br />Staff recommends that the City Council review the proposed modifications to the Planned <br />Development for the major façade modifications, deny the appeal and uphold the Planning <br />Commission’s May 19 disapproval of the application by adopting the attached resolution and <br />findings for denial. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment to the Staff Report: <br />Appeal Application <br />Memorandum from Weingarten Realty to tenants dated May 3, 2016 and tenant emails <br />Vicinity Map <br />Vicinity and Aerial Images <br />Applicant Statement <br />Exhibit A - Site Plan (Sheet DR-1) <br />Exhibit B - Façade Remodel For Units A0A to A0E (Sheet DR-2) <br />Exhibit C - Façade Remodel For Units B0G to B0R (Sheet DR-3.1) <br />Exhibit D - Façade Remodel For Units B0A to B0F (Sheet DR-3.2) <br />Exhibit E - Façade Remodel For Units C0H to C0R (Sheet DR-4.1) <br />Exhibit F - Façade Remodel For Units C0A to Jo-Ann (Sheet DR-4.2) <br />Exhibit G - Façade Remodel For Units E0H to E0N (Sheet DR-5.1) <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2016 <br />41