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10B Action 2016 0718
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2016 0718
10B Action 2016 0718
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Last modified
7/15/2016 3:51:01 PM
Creation date
7/15/2016 3:50:45 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
Document Date (6)
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Reso 2016-102
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Blüm SL <br />Blüm is a name that evokes thoughts of blossoming flowers, or an awakening. For many Bay Area <br />medical cannabis patients, Blüm embodies a safe, supportive, and premier boutique provider of medical cannabis. Blüm Oakland has successfully cultivated a welcoming atmosphere through is <br />patient centric approach. Since its inception in 2012, Blüm Oakland has strived to be the gold standard <br />for community driven, safe medical cannabis access. Blüm Oakland’s focus has been to become an <br />integral part of the community fabric, rather than just being the largest, or most commercial enterprise. <br />Blüm Oakland has successfully become a linchpin to the revitalization of a challenging crime driven corner. Blüm Oakland has contributed to local community culture and aesthetics through its support of <br />First Friday and other Bay Area nonprofits. <br />In four short years Blüm Oakland and its executive team have established a reputation that is <br />recognized and respected by the medical cannabis community, the City of Oakland, and throughout the <br />nation. Now that same executive leadership hopes to bring its patient centered and community focused <br />boutique to San Leandro. The new entity San Leandro Community Collective, DBA Blüm San Leandro, <br />hereafter referred to as "Blüm SL", is committed to being an excellent community partner by providing <br />its patients with the highest quality medical cannabis, consistently and safely delivered at an affordable <br />price in a secure environment. <br />Blüm SL will be a new community collective, established and led by the same executive team that made Blüm Oakland such a strong community partner and member of the cannabis community. From <br />day one Blüm SL will benefit from the extensive experience and knowledge of Blüm Oakland’s proven <br />team of successful executives. Blüm Oakland’s four years of experience and success as a leader in the medical cannabis field will be available to Blüm SL. Blüm SL will have its own San Leandro <br />focused and connected advisory board. Advantageously, Blüm SL will be associated with Blüm <br />Oakland and its publicly traded parent company Terra Tech Corp. (TRTC) and have access to their <br />combined experience. <br />These professional associations will give Blüm SL access to working capital, state of the art equipment, grow technology, human resources services, community partners, and industry expertise. Further <br />benefits include SEC standard tracking and accountability to assure that Blüm SL will exceed the <br />transparency and strict operating standards mandated by the City of San Leandro, it’s Mayor, and it’s <br />Council. <br />If selected, Blüm SL will utilize its proven closed loop, vertically integrated, environmentally sound, <br />operating structure with seed-to-sale inventory tracking system to provide transparency and efficiency <br />in operations. This vertically integrated model allows production of high quality, effective, and safe <br />medicine, while preventing diversion or leakage, and ensuring the safety of patients, staff, and <br />community. These standards reinforce Blüm SL‘s commitment to improving patient quality of life and <br />care overall. <br />Mission <br />Blüm SL will provide all eligible medical cannabis patients with safe, affordable, quality medicine in a <br />nurturing, respectful, and supportive environment. Blüm SL looks forward to establishing roots and a <br />favorable presence in and around the San Leandro neighborhood. This will be achieved by fostering and building strong, positive relationships with patients and the community, the City of San Leandro, <br />and the State of California. Blüm SL will create a sustainable business with a locally directed focus <br />upon positively contributing financially and aesthetically to the community. Blüm SL will continue to advocate for patient’s rights and responsible public policy by promoting health and empowerment <br />through access and knowledge. <br />412
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