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City of San Leandro <br />Meeting Date: September 6, 2016 <br />Resolution - Council <br />Agenda Section:File Number:16-446 CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Agenda Number: <br />TO:City Council <br />FROM:Chris Zapata <br />City Manager <br />BY:Jeff Kay <br />Acting Assistant City Manager <br />FINANCE REVIEW:Not Applicable <br />TITLE:RESOLUTION Approving an Official Chinese Translated Name for the City of <br />San Leandro (approves the adoption of a Chinese translated name to ensure <br />consistency in the use of characters and to positively promote the City of San <br />Leandro). <br />WHEREAS,As part of the City’s Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget, the City Council <br />appropriated $50,000 to fund the City’s Multi-Lingual Outreach Initiative; and <br />WHEREAS,The City’s Multi-Lingual Outreach Initiative aligns with the City Council Goal <br />to “support and implement programs, activities and strengthen communication that enhances <br />the quality of life and wellness, celebrates the arts and diversity and promotes civic pride”; and <br />WHEREAS,The City Council identified the need to establish an official Chinese <br />translation of the City’s name to ensure consistency in the use of characters and to positively <br />promote the City to the Chinese-speaking community in San Leandro and at large; and <br />WHEREAS,Local San Leandro residents with deep ties to the Chinese-speaking <br />community suggested two proposals that were discussed at a community stakeholder meeting <br />on May 25, 2016. After a community discussion and a consensus vote, the stakeholder group <br />recommended that the City Council adopt Proposal #1; and <br />WHEREAS,Proposal #1 describes the City of San Leandro as “A great and prestigious <br />comfortable and safe place to live” with the following Chinese characters: <br /> 聖 利 安 住; and <br />WHEREAS,The Rules Committee discussed the proposals and voted to recommend <br />Proposal #1 to the City Council. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does hereby RESOLVE <br />as follows: <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/29/2016