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General Plan Addendum * August 26, 2016 Page 10 <br />Page 7-43 Add the following sentences to the last paragraph on the page (Guntrum) <br /> <br />The City will continue to maintain a dialogue with the Port of Oakland on <br />further noise abatement procedures, particularly in residential areas <br />impacted by overflights and in areas between the 55 and 65 dB CNEL <br />contours. The City will continue to be an active participant in discussions <br />about the airport’s future and will ensure that future development <br />decisions consider the potential for exposure to airport noise. Through its <br />participation in the Noise Management Forum, San Leandro will work to <br />reduce noise impacts associated with implementation of new flight <br />pattern protocols at Bay Area airports. In 2016, several East Bay cities <br />were experiencing impacts from the Metroplex air traffic control system, <br />which has resulted in more concentrated air traffic patterns. San <br />Leandro will work with Congressional representatives and others to <br />bring FAA oversight and regulations up to date to address and to resolve <br />increased noise impacts on the community. For its part, the aviation <br />industry continues to incorporate new aircraft design and navigational <br />technology in order to improve the ambient noise environment around <br />the airport. <br />Page 7-66 Edit Action EH-9.1.A as follows (Guntrum): <br /> <br />Action EH-9.1.A: Participation in Airport Community Noise <br />Management Forum <br />Supplement the City’s participation in the Airport-Community Noise <br />Management Forum through local Airport task forces and other airport- <br />based advisory groups. The mission of such groups should be to monitor <br />Airport plans and programs and advocate on behalf of residents and <br />businesses impacted by Airport operations and expansion plans. Noise <br />Management Forum activities should include discussions with the FAA <br />to address and resolve air traffic impacts associated with implementation <br />of the Metroplex air traffic system. <br /> <br />