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File Number: 16-458 <br />Proposed Zoning Code Amendments <br />The sections below outline the proposed amendments to San Leandro Zoning Code Article 3 <br />“Definitions,” Article 6 “Commercial and Professional Districts,” and Article 7 “Industrial <br />Districts.” <br />The proposed Code text changes are outlined below by each affected Article of the Zoning <br />Code. Please note that the changes proposed are shown in summary format in the attached <br />development regulations tables and follow the protocol for formal ordinance changes, i.e., <br />underlined and bolded text represents new text proposed to the Zoning Code; strike through <br />text represents text that is proposed to be eliminated. <br />The proposed Zoning Map changes are shown in the attached series of maps. The protocol <br />used to show the changes are shown as in the following example: IP > IT, which signifies that <br />the subject site currently zoned as IP Industrial Park is proposed for rezone to IT Industrial <br />Transition. <br />Proposed Amendments to Article 3, Definitions <br />The Planning Commission and Staff recommend amending two definitions in Article 3, as <br />follows: <br />Health and Fitness Centers. Establishments with equipment for exercise and physical <br />conditioning. This classification includes spas, gyms, tennis clubs, racquet ball clubs, <br />pools, sports courts and fields, climbing walls, skating rinks, batting cages, diet centers, <br />reducing salons, fitness studios, health studios, and massage therapy as an accessory <br />use to another health and fitness center use. Any such facilities that offer alcoholic <br />beverage service shall be defined as commercial recreation. <br />Staff has received numerous proposals to create innovative sports training or gyms that would <br />include an accessory café or restaurant activity. Because Commercial Recreation is not an <br />allowed use in the majority of the industrial areas, the restriction in the Health and Fitness <br />definition in 2012 seriously limited the choice of properties for these innovative uses. In order <br />to allow these uses, a change in the definition is recommended. <br />Industry, General. Manufacturing of products, primarily from extracted or raw <br />materials, or bulk storage and handling of such products and materials. Uses in this <br />classification typically involve a high incidence of truck or rail traffic, and/or outdoor <br />storage of products, materials, equipment, or bulk fuel. This classification includes <br />chemical manufacture or processing, laundry and dry cleaning plants, and auto <br />dismantling within an enclosed building, and stonework and concrete products <br />manufacture. This classification excludes the processing of recycled materials as a <br />facility regulated by Section 4-1646: Recycling Facilities. <br />The Planning Commission and Staff recommend this revision in order to limit the ability for a <br />heavy concrete or stonework facility (aka “batch plant”) to be located in San Leandro, as this <br />is a source of pollutants and other major impacts on surrounding uses and properties. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2016