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File Number: 16-458 <br />Proposed Amendments to Article 6, Commercial and Professional Districts <br />The Planning Commission and Staff recommend amending various sections of Article 6, as <br />follows: <br />C-RM Commercial Regional Mall District - Use Regulations <br />Add Public Safety Facilities as a permitted use in Section 2-616, C-RM District - Use <br />Regulations to enable a police substation at Bayfair Shopping Center. <br />P Professional District - Use Regulations <br />Following community input at the June and July public meetings, it is recommended that the <br />Professional Office (P) zoning district for the Downtown East area (the approximately 20 <br />parcels on Estudillo Avenue and Bancroft Avenue) not be changed to DA-2 Downtown Area 2. <br />As discussed at prior work sessions and recommended by the Planning Commission, the <br />current proposal would enable Multi-Family and Mixed Use Residential as conditionally <br />permitted uses (requiring a CUP) in the Professional Office (P) zoning district (Section <br />2-618.B), requiring their consideration at a public hearing before the Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments prior to approval. Future Multi-Family and Mixed Use Residential projects in the <br />Professional Office (P) zoning district would be subject to all existing development review and <br />landscaping standards and limited to a maximum density of 24 units per acre. The existing 30 <br />foot height limit and setback regulations would continue to remain. <br />PHD Professional/High Density District - Use Regulations <br />This recommendation would eliminate Section 2-620 in its entirety, Professional High Density <br />(PHD) District - Use Regulations and Zoning designation, since it exists on only one parcel in <br />the City. Corresponding removal of any references to the PHD zoning district will be made <br />throughout the Code. Staff will bring a proposal to rezone the sole remaining PHD parcel to a <br />future Planning Commission meeting. <br />Change of Minimum Lot Size Requirement in Downtown Area (DA) Districts <br />A revision is recommended to decrease the minimum lot size requirement in all DA Districts <br />from 20,000 square feet to 10,000 square feet. This revision will allow lots of 10,000 square <br />feet or greater to be developed at a density more appropriate for that zoning district. <br />Currently, lots under 20,000 square feet are limited to maximum densities of 24 dwelling units <br />per acre. While many lots between 10,000 and 20,000 square feet will be limited by parking, <br />setbacks and other requirements, this allowance may improve flexibility for development of <br />some parcels. <br />Change to DA-1 District Maximum Density <br />In the DA-1 District, increases are proposed for the allowable maximum density to be changed <br />from 75 to 100 dwelling units per acre for multi-family residential units consistent with the <br />2035 General Plan. This change is recommended because it reflects the objectives of the <br />2007 Downtown Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy. The proposed maximum <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2016