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8M Consent 2016 1003
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8M Consent 2016 1003
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<br />SCHEDULE A <br />GRANT DESCRIPTION GRANT NO. PS1715 <br /> PAGE 1 <br /> <br />OTS-38b (Rev. 4/16) <br />1. PROBLEM STATEMENT <br /> <br />The City of San Leandro is the fifth largest city in Alameda County with a population of nearly 88,441 residents. The daytime work population is 55,000. The ethnic makeup of San Leandro residents is <br />approximately 27.4 percent of Hispanic/Latin descent and 37 percent of Caucasian origins, 30.5 percent of <br />Asian/Pacific Islander origins and 12.3 percent African-American. The City’s population has grown without <br />any increase in land area or major improvement to the street systems. The City spans over an area of 15.7 <br />square miles and has a total of 176-mile road system. <br />The City of San Leandro has continued to install or upgrade handicapped ramps, sidewalks, highlighted <br />crosswalks, accessible pedestrian signals, bikeways and bicycle racks to encourage safe walking and bicycling <br />in the community. <br /> The first concerned issue has been conflicts between vehicle and pedestrian traffic throughout the City. In <br />pedestrian related collisions, San Leandro was ranked 46th out of 103 cities with comparable populations in <br />2013 OTS Ranking. <br /> <br />Furthermore, in terms of pedestrians younger than 15 years old, San Leandro was ranked 25th out of 103 cities with comparable populations in 2013 OTS Ranking. Concerning pedestrians at age 65 and older, San Leandro <br />was ranked at 34th out of 103 cities with comparable populations in 2013 OTS Ranking. <br /> <br />The second concerned issue has been conflicts between vehicle and bicycle traffic. Although San Leandro was <br />ranked 93rd out of 103 cities with comparable populations in 2013 OTS Ranking for the bicycle related collisions, San Leandro was ranked 45th out of 103 cities with youth who are under 15 years old. <br /> <br />• Youth (K-8 Students) <br /> <br />Data shows that youth under the age of 15 are increasingly involved in traffic-related collisions as pedestrians and bicyclists. Schools located in the San Leandro are in urban areas with heavy street traffic. The <br />combination of land use policies, the increase urbanization of San Leandro and the increase traffic have made <br />traffic-related collisions the leading cause of injury among youth under the age of 15. San Leandro is one of the <br />leading cities with a large percentage of latch-key children which results in children/teens walking and <br />bicycling unsupervised in peak drive time hours (3:00 pm to 7:00 pm). This unsupervised time is the period where most collisions occur for children/teens. In order to provide children/teens with the knowledge and skills <br />they need to travel safely as pedestrians, a consistent and comprehensive traffic safety program must become a <br />part of a student’s day-to-day life in order to affect behavioral changes. <br /> <br />• Senior/Older Adults <br />Walking is the most basic form of transportation for seniors living in San Leandro. As a group, senior citizens <br />are particularly dependent on safe streets for walking because many of them no longer drive. Walking also <br />provides seniors with opportunities for low-impact exercise. <br />
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