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Ord 2016-013
City Clerk
City Council
Ord 2016-013
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10/17/2016 4:56:50 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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(b) A Dispensary Permit will not be renewed without payment of the annual renewal fee, or <br />any other fees on such operations established by the City Council. <br />4-33-500 — PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. <br />(a) Operations. A Dispensary shall operate in conformance with the following minimum <br />standards, and such standards shall be deemed to be part of the conditions of approval on the <br />Dispensary's Permit to ensure that its operation is in compliance with California law, the <br />Attorney General Guidelines, and this Municipal Code, and to mitigate any potential adverse <br />impacts of the Dispensary on the public health, safety, and welfare. <br />(1) A Dispensary shall provide the City, the Chief of Police, and all neighbors <br />located within fifty (50) feet of the premises with the name, phone number, facsimile number <br />and email address of an on-site community relations staff person that can be contacted related <br />to Dispensary issues, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. <br />(2) Medical marijuana shall only be distributed by a Dispensary at the property <br />identified and approved as the location for the Dispensary on the Dispensary's conditional use <br />permit. <br />(3) A Dispensary shall only provide, distribute, dispense, or give medical marijuana <br />to qualified patients or primary caregiver members. It is within the City's discretion to limit the <br />number of members allowed per Dispensary. <br />(4) Only qualified patients, caregivers, or authorized invitees shall be allowed inside <br />of a Dispensary. The Dispensary shall comply with all occupancy rules imposed by State law or <br />the Fire Marshal. While inside of the dispensary authorized invitees shall wear a badge clearly <br />indicating that they are a guest, and not a member of the Dispensary. The Dispensary shall not <br />dispense cannabis to an authorized invitee. The Dispensary shall keep a record of the name and <br />identification number of all authorized invitees who have visited the dispensary, a log of which <br />shall be shared with the City every three months and/or made immediately available to the City <br />Manager or his/her designee upon request. <br />(5) Retail sales of medical marijuana that violate California law or this ordinance are <br />expressly prohibited. <br />(6) A Dispensary may only dispense, store, or transport marijuana in aggregate <br />amounts tied to its membership numbers. A Dispensary may possess no more than eight (8) <br />ounces of dried marijuana per qualified patient or caregiver, and maintain no more than six (6) <br />mature and twelve (12) immature marijuana plants per qualified patient. However, if a qualified <br />patient or primary caregiver has a doctor's recommendation that the above quantity does not <br />meet the qualified patient's needs, the qualified patient or primary caregiver may possess an <br />amount of marijuana consistent with the patient's needs. For purposes of determining the quantity <br />of marijuana, only the dried mature processed flowers of female cannabis plants or the plants <br />conversion shall be considered. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2016-013 7 <br />
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