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(7) A Dispensary may operate no later than 8:00 p.m. daily unless it is determined by <br />the City that a later hour will not affect public health, safety, or welfare. A Dispensary is <br />prohibited from operating between the hours that the City determines the Dispensary should <br />close and 9:00 a.m. the next ensuing day unless further restricted by the City. <br />(8) Dispensaries shall disclose the percentage level of delta -9 (trans) <br />tetrahydracannabinol, cannabidiol, and cannabinol in medical cannabis or products containing <br />cannabis to qualified patients before providing medical cannabis. <br />(9) Dispensaries shall follow the directions of the City Manager or his/her designee <br />regarding any medical cannabis found to be non-compliant with testing standards. These <br />instructions extend to any medical cannabis found to be unsafe on the basis of such testing <br />results, or to the Dispensary's operations and practices generally. <br />(10) Representative samples of medical marijuana distributed by a collective or <br />cooperative shall be analyzed by the Dispensary or an independent laboratory, if and when such <br />is available, to ensure it is free of harmful pesticides and other contaminants regulated by local, <br />state or federal regulatory statutory standards. Any medical marijuana from which the <br />representative sample tested positive for a harmful pesticide or other contaminant at a level that <br />exceeds the local, state or federal regulatory or statutory standards shall be destroyed forthwith. <br />A Dispensary shall keep and maintain current records of samples tested. <br />(11) Any medical marijuana provided to collective members or patients shall be <br />properly labeled in strict compliance with state and local laws, regulations and policies. <br />(12) Dispensaries shall not allow cannabis to be smoked, ingested or otherwise <br />consumed on the premises. The term premises includes the actual building, as well as any <br />accessory structures, parking areas, or other immediately surrounding areas. <br />(13) Dispensaries shall not hold or maintain a license from the State Department of <br />Alcoholic Beverage Control to sell alcoholic beverages, or operate a business that sells alcoholic <br />beverages. Dispensaries shall not operate as a restaurant, cafe or lounge. <br />(14) A Dispensary shall post a copy of the Business License Certificate issued by the <br />City's Finance Department and a copy of the Cannabis Dispensary Permit issued by the City in a <br />conspicuous place on the premises. <br />(15) The regulation of edible cannabis products shall be as follows: <br />If the dispensary chooses to manufacture edibles, it shall do so according to the rules <br />promulgated by the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act or other relevant state laws, as <br />periodically amended by the State Legislature and interpreted by the Courts and/or relevant <br />regulatory agencies. Any edibles sold at the dispensary shall be manufactured and labeled <br />according to the safety, labelling, and manufacturing guidelines established in the Medical <br />Marijuana and Safety Act as periodically amended by the Legislature and/or interpreted by the <br />Courts and associated regulatory agencies. In addition, the following local regulations governing <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2016-013 <br />