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Ord 2016-013
City Clerk
City Council
Ord 2016-013
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edible cannabis products shall apply until such time as relevant State regulations are adopted and <br />in effect: <br />(i) No edible cannabis products requiring refrigeration or hot -holding shall be <br />manufactured for sale or distribution at a Dispensary, due to the potential for food -borne illness. <br />Exemptions may be granted by the City, in consultation with the Alameda County Department of <br />Public Health (DPH) on a case-by-case basis. For such exempted edible cannabis products, DPH <br />may require a HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) plan before approving the <br />distribution of such medical cannabis products at a Dispensary. Such products requiring a <br />HACCP plan may include ice cream and other dairy products. <br />ii) Baked medicinal products (i.e. brownies, bars, cookies, cakes), tinctures <br />and other non -refrigerated type items are acceptable for manufacture and sale at a Dispensary. <br />iii) All items shall be individually wrapped at the original point of preparation. <br />Labeling must include a warning if nuts or other known allergens are used, and must include the <br />total weight (in ounces or grams) of cannabis in the package. A warning that the item is a <br />medication and not a food must be distinctly and clearly legible on the front of the package. The <br />package label must have a warning clearly legible emphasizing that the product is to be kept away <br />from children. The label must also state that the product contains medical cannabis, and must <br />specify the date of manufacture. <br />(iv) Packaging that makes the product attractive to children or imitates <br />candy is not allowed. Any edible cannabis product that is made to resemble a typical food <br />product (i.e. brownie, cake) must be in a properly labeled opaque (non see-through) package <br />before it leaves the Dispensary. Deliveries must be in properly labeled opaque packages <br />when delivered to a patient. <br />(v) Individuals conducting the manufacturing or sale of products shall <br />thoroughly wash their hands before commencing production and before handling the finished <br />product. Gloves must be worn when packaging edible cannabis products. <br />(vi) In order to reduce the likelihood of foodborne disease transmission, <br />individuals who are suffering from symptoms associated with acute gastrointestinal illness or <br />are known to be infected with a communicable disease that is transmissible through foodstuffs <br />are prohibited from preparing edible cannabis products until they are free of that illness or <br />disease, or are incapable of transmitting the illness or disease through foodstuffs. Anyone who <br />has sores or cuts on their hands must use gloves when preparing and handling edible cannabis <br />products. <br />(vii) Edible cannabis products for sale or distribution at a Dispensary must <br />have been prepared by a member of that Dispensary. No non-member edible cannabis <br />products are allowed for sale or distribution at a Dispensary. <br />(viii) A patient or primary caregiver who produces edible cannabis products <br />that are sold at more than one Dispensary in the City or Alameda County must become a State <br />certified food handler. If more than one person is involved in producing edible cannabis <br />products at one facility, only one person needs to be certified. The valid certificate number of <br />the member who has prepared the edible cannabis product must be on record at the Dispensary <br />where the product is sold or distributed, and a copy of the certificate kept either on-site, or made <br />available during inspections if kept off-site. The state certification number of the owner or <br />operator of the Dispensary, upon issuance by the State, shall be kept on record at the <br />Dispensary and made available for inspection upon request. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2016-013 9 <br />
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