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File Number: 16-362 <br />(Hester Street, Adam’s tract) and “K”, a new connection under San Leandro creek. <br />Completion of these connections last summer enabled a redundant path to the internet <br />that resulted in connection of City Hall to a full 10 gbps via its Lit San Leandro fibers in <br />August 2016. <br />The EDA has approved use of the remaining grant funds to further expand the <br />City-owned conduit. As illustrated in the attached map, conduit expansion along Bigge <br />Street (“L”), Washington Ave. (“M”) and Manor (“N”) has been prioritized in that order. <br />At this writing, increased 2016 construction costs may result in some contraction of <br />buildout, perhaps eliminating “N” expansion from the project. Engineering is in <br />preliminary design, and construction is scheduled for May 2017. <br />All EDA disbursements must be completed by 9/27/17. <br />Consistent with the License Agreement, SLDF continues to install fiber in the City <br />owned conduit and the status of fiber installation in the expansion conduit, as follows: <br />·Adam’s Tract is 100% complete <br />·Southern Alvarado corridor is partially complete. The loop around Peterson <br />CAT is complete; permits are open for the remainder of the expansion conduit, <br />and installation timelines are under discussion. <br />·Catalina/Farallon/Marina area has fiber installed from Wicks to Fairway Drive. <br />Permits have been pulled for the remainder, and installation timelines are under <br />discussion. <br />4.Fiber to Schools: The San Leandro Unified School District has completed connection <br />of 17 SLUSD sites, including all schools, to the internet via a 10 gbps fiber optic <br />connection. Internal SLUSD telecommunications systems have been upgraded and the <br />District is prepared to upgrade internet connection speeds to 40 gbps as needed. <br />5.ZipPower: The proposed development of a San Leandro citywide, distributed <br />renewable energy micro grid under the guidance of ZipPower LLC will be a data-rich, <br />“internet of things” renewable energy system requiring a fiber optic backbone to <br />transport data. Earlier this year, ZipPower was awarded a $1.5M California Energy <br />Commission grant to develop the ZipPower energy system prototype in San Leandro; <br />partners include the City of San Leandro, OSIsoft, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, <br />Enel, Geli, with PG&E and California ISO providing letters of support. The site of the <br />first San Leandro distributed renewable energy micro grid is projected to be located in <br />the San Leandro Tech Campus. Enel Green Power, a subsidiary of Enel, Italy’s largest <br />utility company, anticipates financing and building the Tech Campus micro grid. <br />San Leandro Commercial Broadband Strategy & Fiber Optic Master Plan <br />To better evaluate the Lit San Leandro discussions then underway with Dr. Kennedy, the City <br />worked with Tellus Ventures to develop the San Leandro Commercial Broadband Strategy <br /><>, which was <br />approved by the City Council in July 2012. <br />In May 2016, the City Council discussed the possibility of an updated and expanded <br />telecommunications strategy and referred the issue to the Facility and Transportation <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/13/2016