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File Number: 16-604 <br />Public present: Chris Craig, Curtain Call Performing Arts (CCPA); Dan Dillman, CCPA; Josh <br />Dillman, Bal Theatre;; Gina Dillman, Bal Theatre; Jim Prola, Observer <br />1.B.Announcements <br />C. Zapata introduced Assistant City Manager Jeff Kay. <br />2.DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2.A.BAL Theatre Update <br />J. Kay introduced the Bal Theatre Update as the start of a discussion about supporting the Bal <br />Theatre which is an important community asset. <br />D. Dillman provided a handout consisting of a list of needs and proposed improvements for <br />the theater with estimated costs. He spoke to the Committee about the history of theater in <br />San Leandro, the programs they provide for the community, the restoration and enhancement <br />needs for the theater, and their funding challenges. Parking improvements are not on the list <br />as D. Dillman hasn’t received recent complaints about parking and construction of additional <br />parking would not be feasible without acquiring additional properties. The theater received a <br />$50,000 loan for facade improvements from the City which was forgiven in 2016. To keep the <br />theatre open, $350,000 is needed to retire the mortgage at the end of 2017. D. Dillman stated <br />that any reduction in mortgage costs will result in more spending on restoration and <br />enhancement. <br />C. Zapata noted that the theater is an important part of East 14th Street but that there are <br />other community needs which must be addressed. He proposed that staff work with the Bal <br />Theatre to draft a proposed funding agreement and that the draft be brought to the committee <br />for review and discussion. <br />Mayor Cutter requested that joint use or community programing be a condition of any funding <br />agreement, and requested quantification of the amount of community programing that is <br />currently provided. <br />Councilmember Reed requested that some amount of restoration of historical elements be a <br />condition of any funding agreement. <br />Councilmember Lopez noted that theater restoration cost $15 million in Alameda and <br />suggested that the Bal Theater use an architect familiar with historical buildings to determine <br />the extent, character, and cost of work required for restoration. <br />2.B.Discussion Regarding Green Infrastructure Outreach to Elected Officials <br />K. Cooke introduced green infrastructure outreach to the Committee. He briefly mentioned <br />the new permitting requirements including education for City Council. Green Infrastructure will <br />be an important component to capital improvements, especially those within the public <br />right-of-way. There are new State mandates, and the City needs to be prepared. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/13/2016