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Reso 2016-163
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2016-163
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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In the process of retreating, the Rank Seniority Date List shall be utilized. Employees with the <br /> least amount of Rank Seniority shall retreat first. Any voluntary demotion to a rank below the <br /> employee's current rank shall be based on a Rank Seniority Date which is derived from a <br /> combination of all credited service in the rank to which the employee has voluntarily demoted <br /> and all credited service in higher ranks held on a probationary or permanent status. <br /> The demoting employee has a right to be retained in the highest pay step possible, which is equal <br /> to or less than his or her present pay step. An employee involved in a layoff does not have a <br /> right of mandatory placement to positions with a higher pay step, i.e. promotion. <br /> Provisional employees shall be notified individually, in writing, of pending layoff as soon as <br /> possible, with no less than fifteen (15) calendar days' notification if targeted for release or <br /> reassignment. <br /> Permanent and probationary status employees should be notified individually, in writing, of <br /> pending layoffs as soon as possible, with no less than fifteen (15) calendar days' notification if <br /> targeted for release or demotion. Notice to an employee absent from work for any reason shall <br /> be sent by U.S. Mail -Return Receipt Requested. <br /> If an employee fails to accept a bona fide offer of demotion within five (5) calendar days after <br /> receipt of the offer,the employee forfeits further right to employment retention. Acceptance of a <br /> demotion does not remove the right of appeal under the appeal procedure described below. <br /> The names of all probationary and permanent employees released or demoted from positions in <br /> the competitive service as a result of layoff or demotion must be placed on Reemployment Lists <br /> for those classifications from which the employee was removed, as well as all other <br /> classifications to which they have demotion rights in accordance with employee retreat rights. <br /> The Reemployment List for employees who were laid off shall remain in effect for two (2) years <br /> from the date of the layoff. Said list shall remain in effect indefinitely for employees who were <br /> demoted. <br /> Vacancies in any classification for which there is an active Reemployment List must use the <br /> Reemployment List to fill their positions and may not use any other recruitment or appointment <br /> method to fill a vacancy until appropriate Reemployment Lists have been exhausted. <br /> When a vacancy occurs in a class for which there is a Reemployment List, the name of the <br /> employee on the appropriate Reemployment List with the highest Seniority Date shall be <br /> certified to the Police Chief. Employees so certified from the Reemployment Priority List must <br /> be appointed to the existing vacancy. <br /> If a former employee fails to accept a bona fide written offer of reemployment with five (5) <br /> calendar days after receipt of the offer, his or her name will be removed permanently from the <br /> Reemployment List from which the offer was made. Failure to accept an offer of reemployment <br /> to the class with the highest pay step for which the employee is eligible for reemployment will <br /> result in automatic removal from all Reemployment Lists. However, the employee may decline <br /> (or accept) reemployment to a lower pay step classification without jeopardizing his or her <br /> 17 <br />
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