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H. Prior to issuance of a business license for the medical marijuana dispensary <br />use, the applicant shall submit precise details for the proposed signage for the <br />review of the Community Development Director. Said details shall include but <br />are not limited to location, color or copy. <br />IV. CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS <br />A. Construction activity shall not commence prior to 7:00 a.m. and shall cease by <br />7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and construction activity shall not commence <br />prior to 8:00 a.m. and shall cease by 7:00 p.m. on Sunday and Saturday. No <br />such construction is permitted on Federal holidays. As provided in the City of <br />San Leandro's Noise Ordinance (ORDINANCE NO. 2003-005), "construction" <br />shall mean any site preparation, assembly, erection, substantial repair, <br />alteration, demolition or similar action, for or on any private property, public <br />right-of-way, streets, structures, utilities, facilities or similar property. <br />Construction activities carried on in violation of this Article may be enforced as <br />provided in Section 4-1-1130, and may also be enforced by issuance of a stop <br />work order and/or revocation of any or all permits issued for such construction <br />activity. <br />B. Construction activity shall not create dust, noise, or safety hazards for adjacent <br />residents and properties. Dirt and mud shall not be tracked onto Verna Court <br />and/or Marina Boulevard or surrounding streets from the project site. <br />C. Upon demolition or removal of existing structures, improvements, and <br />construction the site shall be enclosed with a security fence and shall be well <br />maintained in a neat manner, free of weeds, litter and debris. <br />D. Procedures with the highest noise potential shall be scheduled for daylight <br />hours, when ambient noise levels are highest. <br />E. The contractor(s) shall be required to employ the quietest among alternative <br />equipment or to muffle/control noise from available equipment. <br />V. FENCING AND SCREENING REQUIREMENTS <br />A. All fencing and walls on the project site shall be structurally sound, graffiti -free <br />and well-maintained at all times. <br />B. Barbed or razor wire shall not be installed on any fence or buildings on the <br />project site. <br />C. Any new or abandoned roof top or exterior mechanical equipment for the <br />building such as air conditioning/heating units, venting, or radio/television <br />antennas shall be screened from view so as not to be visible from adjacent <br />properties or surrounding streets to the satisfaction of the Community <br />Development Director. Screening, if needed, shall be installed prior to <br />Agreement to Conditions July 7, 2016 <br />PLN 16-0025 Page 5 of 10 <br />