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VII. ALAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />A. The following conditions shall be met in the submittal of the Building Permit and prior <br />to the issuance of a fire clearance for occupancy (Certificate of Occupancy): <br />1. Modifications to the fire sprinkler system shall be made to accommodate the <br />storage of hazardous materials. <br />2. A manual fire alarm system shall be required due to the H Occupancies. <br />3. Fire Extinguishers with ratings of 4A 40 B:C shall be required (lA for every <br />1,000 square feet of warehouse). <br />4. Panic hardware shall be required on exterior doors of the H Occupancies. <br />5. Emergency lighting and exit signs shall be required. <br />6. Electrical wiring shall comply with applicable H Occupancy requirements. <br />7. The. H Occupancies shall be provided with a berm that will accommodate the <br />flow of the fire protection system. <br />8. A Knox Box shall be required at multiple locations for Fire Department access <br />into the building. <br />VIII. PUBLIC WORKS SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING REQUIREMENTS <br />A. Project is subject to Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling Ordinance as per <br />Chapter 3-7 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, which requires the following: <br />1. All asphalt and concrete and 50% of all other materials generated at a project <br />site shall be recycled for projects with a valuation in excess of $100,000. <br />2. Permit applicants shall demonstrate compliance by completing and submitting <br />an online Waste Management Plan using Green Halo Systems prior to permit <br />issuance. Note: Project will not be finaled until all recycling and disposal tags <br />have been registered into Green Halo Systems. <br />3. Applicants shall submit recycling and disposal receipts online and submit the <br />waste management report before scheduling the final inspection. <br />B. Solid waste & recycling bins shall be stored in a location not visible from the street per <br />San Leandro Municipal Code §3-1-200. <br />C. Applicant is subject to Alameda County Mandatory Recycling Ordinance. <br />Requirements for compliance can be found at: <br />Agreement to Conditions September 16, 2016 <br />PLN16-0032 Page 7 of 10 <br />