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Quality Code Data 11/28/2016, Page 1 <br />Chapter 5 Uniform Wastewater Discharge Regulations <br />§12.5.100: DEFINITIONS.The following definitions and the definitions contained in Title 3, Chapter 15 14 of the San <br />Leandro Municipal Code, shall govern the construction of this Chapter. <br />(a)Accessory Dwelling Unit. An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a secondary dwelling unit built on a parcel with an existing Single-Family Dwelling with complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. An ADU can take three forms: detached structure, attached structure, repurposed existing space. For the purposes of this Code, there can be only one ADU per parcel, and the existence of an ADU does not change the status of the Single-Family Dwelling. If more than one ADU is created on the lot, all ADUs convert to Single-Family Dwellings. <br />(ab)Billable Parameters.Those parameters (i.e., flow, BOD, SS, Volume, I/I) for which the <br />treatment works is designed to treat and for which average user charge unit costs of <br />service are calculated. <br />(bc)BOD.The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a laboratory test in which standardized <br />procedures are used to determine the oxygen requirements of wastewater. The BOD test measures the oxygen required for the biochemical degradation of organic material. The <br />test results represent the average BOD strength of wastewater discharged during a given period. <br />(cd)Capacity Rights.The flow, BOD and SS capacity purchase by a user upon obtaining a connection permit, or, if such data are not available, the peak month loadings of a userduring the past five fiscal years or some prior year when it can be shown to the <br />satisfaction of the Manager that some prior year’s peak month loadings are more representative of a user’s use of the wastewater system than occurred over the five year period. <br />(de)Commercial User.Any non-residential user, including business activity that is not otherwise classified, and that the Manager determines introduces into the sanitary sewer <br />system primarily segregated domestic waste or wastes from sanitary conveniences. <br />(ef)Compliance User.An industrial user which is monitored to determine compliance with <br />both the Federal regulations of the Clean Water Act and the City’s local wastewater <br />discharge ordinance. <br />(fg)Industrial User.Any non-residential user who discharges industrial wastes and is <br />identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987, Office of Management and Budget, as now or hereafter amended or supplemented under, but not limited to, the <br />following division: <br />(1) Division A. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing <br />86