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City of San Leandro Parklet Program <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br /> <br />APPLICATION CHECKLIST <br /> <br />Below you will find a list of what must be included in your submission for your <br />initial parklet application. Any submission missing any items listed below will <br />not be considered for selection. <br /> <br /> 1. Application form. This form is included at the end of this document. <br />Please fill it out completely. <br /> <br /> 2. Application fee. Make your check for $150 payable to “City of San <br />Leandro”. Please write “Parklet Application” on the check. This fee is <br />non-refundable. <br /> <br /> 3. Initial site plan. Refer to “PARKLET GUIDELINES & RESPONSIBILITIES” <br />on pages 2-5 for further information about location. Provide a plan <br />that shows the footprint of the proposed parklet, including enough <br />detailed information to understand what is happening on either end <br />of the proposed parklet. <br /> <br />Show property lines, sidewalk width, parklet length and width, existing <br />parking stalls, and all surface obstructions within 15 feet of the <br />occupied area (e.g. fire hydrants, streetlights, parking meters, <br />bicycle racks, street trees, etc.) on the plan. We encourage as much <br />detail as possible to help us review your application. Applicants may <br />submit a pdf file. <br /> <br /> 4. Parklet programming. Write narrative including: <br /> How the neighborhood will benefit from the parklet <br /> How the community can participate in the create and/or <br />stewardship of the parklet <br /> Describe what type of elements you are proposing on the <br />parklet (e.g. tables and chairs, benches, landscaping, bike <br />parking, etc.) <br /> Explain your project goals and vision for your parklet <br /> <br /> 5. Photos of existing site. Photos shall be submitted of the location <br />where you would like to install the parklet, including the parking <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />93