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File Number: 17-168 <br />liability, and maintenance of the Parklet until the responsibility is <br />legally transferred to another entity or terminated. <br />13.110 INITIATION PROCESS: Pilot Program - Applications for parklet <br />permits shall be limited to two for a period of two years from the date of <br />approval of this section. Requests to propose the installation of a parklet <br />within the public right-of-way may be initiated by fronting property owners and <br />fronting business owners. Requests are on a first-come, first-serve basis. <br />13.115 PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS: All application documents, <br />including the Parklet Maintenance Agreement, shall be on file in the <br />Engineering and Transportation Department. <br />1. Application for parklet permit shall include the following components and will be <br />evaluated by staff based on the following criteria: <br /> <br />(a) Application form. <br /> <br />(b) Application fee of $150.00. <br /> <br />(c) Initial Site Plan, which shall include a description of how <br />the parklet will be used by the community as well as photos <br />documenting current site conditions. A scaled drawing that shows <br />the footprint of the proposed parklet installation and twenty (20) <br />feet on either side of the proposed parklet shall also be included. <br />The plan shall include any existing above-ground fixtures such as <br />tree wells, poles, fire hydrants, and bike racks. The Initial Site Plan <br />shall also include at-grade roadway markings such as colored <br />curbs, lane striping, parking stall markings; and at-grade utility <br />access panels, storm drains, manhole covers, and other utility <br />access points. <br /> <br />(d) Construction schedule for installation of the parklet. <br /> <br />(e) Demonstration of community concurrence through letters of <br />support from businesses in front of and/or on either side of the <br />proposed parklet. The applicant must also submit letters of support <br />or petitions from the district City Councilmember, other area <br />businesses, organizations and/or residents. <br />2. If a recommendation is made to approve the Parklet proposal: <br />(a) The Engineering & Transportation Department will issue a <br />Notice of Application for a Parklet. The applicant shall be required <br />to post this notice in a readily visible location in front of the <br />property where the parklet will be located for ten (10) calendar <br />days from the date listed on the notice. <br />(b) If there are objections from the public, the Engineering & <br />Transportation Department shall schedule a public hearing to <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/10/2017 <br />103