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File Number: 17-168 <br />consider testimony about the proposed parklet. <br />(c) The Engineering & Transportation Department Administrative <br />Services Manager shall consider and hear all testimony in support <br />and in opposition to the proposed parklet and shall make a <br />recommendation to the Engineering & Transportation Department <br />Director. <br />(d) The Engineering & Transportation Department Director, at his <br />or her discretion, may recommend approval or conditional approval <br />of the permit subject to further review and final action. <br />(e) If the application is denied, the Engineering & Transportation <br />Department shall notify the applicant, upon which the applicant <br />may appeal the denial of the permit by the Engineering & <br />Transportation Department Director to the Planning Commission <br />within fifteen (15) days of the Director's decision. <br />(f) Any interested person may appeal the approval of the permit <br />decision by the Engineering & Transportation Department Director <br />to the Planning Commission within fifteen (15) days of the <br />Director's decision. <br />13.120 APPROPRIATE LOCATION AND DESIGN PARAMETERS: <br />(a) The proposed parklet site should be located in at least one <br />parking space, approximately twenty (20) feet, in from a street <br />intersection or protected by a bollard, sidewalk bulb-out, or other <br />similar feature, if located at the corner. Exceptions may be <br />considered on a case-by-case basis. <br />(b) The proposed location should be upon or adjacent to a City <br />street with a posted speed limit of 25 mph or less. <br />(c) The proposed location’s street must have parking lanes that will <br />not become a tow away lane during morning or afternoon peak <br />hours. <br />(d) The parklet should provide a minimum clearance of 12” from <br />the edge of any existing parking apron, where there is parallel, <br />diagonal or perpendicular parking. <br />(e) The Parklet shall be constructed and/or installed to conform to <br />the applicable rules, regulations and guidelines of the San Leandro <br />Building Code, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the <br />2010 ADA Standards. For all ADA technical requirements, please <br />refer to “Accessibility Elements for Parklets” Standards available <br />from the City of San Leandro. <br />(f) A minimum of 84-inches in height must remain clear of any <br />obstructions along the parklet’s pedestrian path of travel, entry and <br />accessibility areas on the parklet. Obstructions may include but are <br />not limited to tree branches and foliage, overhanging sign panels <br />on posts, and/or the applicant’s addition of architectural elements <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/10/2017 <br />104