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10B Action 2017 0417
City Clerk
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Packet 2017 0417
10B Action 2017 0417
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4/11/2017 9:25:57 AM
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4/11/2017 9:25:55 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2017-058
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File Number: 17-166 <br />In applying for a permit, applicants will be required to demonstrate community concurrence <br />with letters of support from businesses in front of or on either side of the proposed parklet. <br />The applicant must also submit letters of support or petitions from the district’s City <br />Councilmember, other area businesses, organizations and/or residents. <br />The City’s risk pool, California Joint Powers Risk Management Authority, recommends each <br />parklet permit holder to provide at least $2 million per claim/ $4 million for all claims over a <br />one-year period in commercial general liability insurance and an endorsement naming the City <br />of San Leandro as an additional insured. Once the permit is granted and before installation <br />begins, the permit holder must provide the aforementioned evidence of liability insurance and <br />endorsement and will be required to sign a Parklet Maintenance Agreement with the City to <br />ensure adequate and routine maintenance of the parklet, as well as a procedure for its <br />removal. <br />Fees: <br />There will be a non-refundable Application Fee of $150. If a permit is issued the following fees <br />will be required: <br />Design Review Deposit: $2,500.00 <br />Restoration Deposit:$2,500.00 <br />Annual Renewal: $100.00 <br />Staff time for review will be charged against the Design Review Deposit. Once design review <br />is complete, any remaining funds from the deposit will be refunded to the applicant. If the <br />installation must be removed for any reason and the permit holder restores the street to the <br />satisfaction of the City, the Restoration Deposit will be fully refunded. During the pilot <br />program, the Design Review Deposit will be funded by the City Manager’s Office through the <br />City Manager’s Contingency Account. <br />Effective Date and Term: <br />Staff recommends that the pilot program, if approved, run for a term of two years as a pilot <br />with two parklet permits granted during this time period. <br />Staff recommends two years because it should be an adequate amount of time to review and <br />evaluate all phases of the parklet permit and installation process. This will allow staff to <br />provide a comprehensive review of the pilot program and its impacts in a subsequent report to <br />the City Council. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Support and implement programs, activities and strengthen communication that enhances the <br />quality of life and wellness, celebrates the arts and diversity and promotes civic pride <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />Information on parklet programs in San Francisco Bay Area cities was provided at the May 17, <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/10/2017 <br />84
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