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File Number: 16-557 <br />Duration <br />·The average stay duration for on-street parking is 3.0 hours and for off-street <br />parking is 1.76 hours. Further analysis indicates that on-street parkers are most <br />likely local residents or BART commuters and that visitors and shoppers use the <br />off-street lots to visit retail, restaurants and other services. <br />Future Demand <br />Short-Term & 10-Year Horizon <br />·Projections of future parking demand and adequacy based on proposed <br />land-use changes and specific development projects were completed. In both <br />short-term and ten year scenarios, the parking model utilized for the DPMP <br />indicates at no time would parking demand exceed 85% of the available supply. <br />This future supply is impacted by the planned public availability of the Tech <br />Campus’s new parking structure. <br />Guiding Principles and Prioritization <br />Creating a set of “guiding principles” was the first step in creating the DPMP as it forms the <br />strategic framework of a program. At the initial outreach meetings with residents and <br />business representatives, emphasis was placed on developing guiding principles for both a <br />regulatory structure as well as implementation. Often, changes in parking regulations will <br />benefit some stakeholders and inconvenience others. <br />With principles in place, the team can continually assess implementation proposals to ensure <br />that they are consistent with the community goals for the project. After extensive community <br />outreach and discussion, the following guiding principles were proposed for this project: <br />1. Downtown San Leandro is a valuable community asset. <br />2. Simplify parking operations. <br />3. Make downtown accessible to all users through multiple modes. <br />4. The Parking System should support downtown businesses. <br />5. Prioritize residential parking for residents. <br />6. Manage the parking system with an understanding of systemic and fiscal impacts. <br />Implicit in the guiding principles is the idea that certain users will have top priority for parking <br />access in certain locations. For example, parking in the residential neighborhoods between <br />the BART station and East 14th Street should first serve the residents of those areas, with <br />BART commuters and business employees falling lower on the priority list. By contrast, <br />parking in commercial areas should be prioritized for short-term shoppers and visitors, which <br />benefits both businesses and members of the community by making it as easy as possible to <br />patronize Downtown businesses. Finally, the Estudillo Garage should be prioritized for <br />employees of Downtown businesses who tend to park for longer durations. <br />The DPMP identifies the following recommendations: <br />·Implement a Residential Parking Permit (RPP) Program: This program is to <br />reduce the impact of employee and BART commuter parking in nearby residential <br />neighborhoods. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/11/2017 <br />588