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Government Code Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging any <br /> such fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions. <br /> B. The proposed development shall comply with City ordinances, policies and regulations. <br /> All improvements shall be in accordance with the City's Design Standards, <br /> Specifications and Standard Plans unless otherwise specifically approved by the City <br /> Engineer. <br /> C. Site Improvement Plans for all on-site and off-site improvements shall be designed and <br /> stamped by a civil engineer registered to practice within the State of California, and <br /> approved by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of Building Permits for the project. <br /> All improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City's <br /> Design Standards, Specifications and Standard Plans, unless otherwise specifically <br /> approved by the City Engineer. <br /> D. Prior to the issuance of the Building Permit, the property owner shall pay the <br /> Engineering Review and Inspection Fees, and other fees as required by City Ordinances <br /> and regulations. <br /> E. Roof drains shall discharge to a landscaped area. Downspout locations shall be shown <br /> on the plans. <br /> F. The applicant shall submit drainage plans. Area under canopy with 6 MPDs shall be <br /> graded such that this area drains inside the canopy and not away from the canopy to <br /> confine any fuel spills. All on-site drainage inlets shall be fitted with full trash capture <br /> devices. <br /> G. Landscaped areas, including the area behind the public sidewalk, shall be graded so that <br /> irrigation and storm water does not run off. <br /> H. North arrow direction shown on sheet SP-1 is shall be corrected. <br /> I. The applicant shall submit a recent preliminary title report for the property, and shall <br /> identify and plot any existing easements onto the site plans. <br /> J. Washington Avenue and Lewelling Boulevard are within an Underground Utility <br /> District, thus the Applicant shall either underground the utilities on Washington Avenue <br /> and Lewelling Boulevard in front of the property or pay the in-lieu fees. The in-lieu fee <br /> for undergrounding utilities is calculated at $358.25 per liner foot of frontage. <br /> Approximate frontage of the property on Washington Avenue and Lewelling Boulevard <br /> total is 316 lineal feet (LF) and hence, the fee is $113,207.66. Note: the fees change at <br /> the beginning of each fiscal year, and are not locked at the time the Building Permit is <br /> issued for the project. <br /> K. Applicant shall remove any broken and uplifted sidewalk, driveway, curb and gutter <br /> along the full project frontage and shall construct new City standard sidewalk, <br /> driveway, curb and gutter in the same location and alignment as the existing curb and <br /> gutter. Applicant shall remove any unused driveways and construct new City standard <br /> Agreement to Conditions November 18,2016 <br /> PLN16-0030 Page 7 of 14 <br />