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File Number: 17-521 <br />All locations, with the exception of Bancroft and Wicks Blvd, will have street banners installed for <br />the first time. Installing banners in new locations is considerably more expensive than refreshing <br />existing ones because it requires the purchase and installation of new banner hardware on City <br />light poles. <br />Upon receiving feedback and direction from the City Council, staff will revise the preliminary <br />designs and seek feedback from the Art and Youth Advisory Commissions. Once the final <br />feedback loop is completed, the City Council will view the revised banners for approval. Printing <br />and installation is expected to be completed upon 60 days of the approval of final designs <br />(depending on weather and scheduling coordination with the vendors). <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />Art Commission (May 3, 2017) <br />The Commission did not recommend moving the banner designs to the City Council for approval <br />in their current form. Instead, the Commission recommended a call for artists or artist selection to <br />submit a new version of the banners. The commission made this decision by the following vote 7 <br />Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent. <br />Youth Advisory Commission (May 16, 2017) <br />The Commission positively reviewed the images and liked the iconic images. Below is a <br />summary of their suggestions: <br />·Remove ‘Welcome’, <br />·Remove shaded backgrounds to contrast the images. <br />·Include an ‘activity banner’ such as a person riding a bicycle in the Marina area and one <br />that features faces. <br />·Include an industrial themed banner using the newly installed murals. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·Community Meetings - priority exercise using colored dots. <br />·Virtual Town Hall -online platform where the community can provide remote input <br />·Social Media- leveraged social media accounts to push out online platform <br />·Commission Meetings <br />Budget Authority <br />The City Council approved $50,000 for this project in FY 2016-17 and funds have been carried <br />over to FY2017-18 <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />·Preliminary Design Concepts <br />PREPARED BY: Sbeydeh Viveros-Walton, Communications & Community Relations Manager <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/12/2017