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F. Upon a determination of the City Manager that the City has such capabilities, the <br /> Building Official shall allow for electronic submittal of permit applications covered by this <br /> article and associated supporting documents. <br /> Sec. 7-5-1520 Technical review. <br /> A. If the Building Official makes a finding, based on substantial evidence, that the electric <br /> vehicle charging station could have a specific adverse impact upon the public health or safety, <br /> the city may require the applicant to apply for a Use Permit pursuant to the City's Zoning Code. <br /> B. In the technical review of an electric vehicle charging station, the Building Official shall <br /> not condition the approval of any electric vehicle charging station permit on the approval of such <br /> a system by an association, as that term is defined by Civil Code Section 4080. <br /> Sec. 7-5-1525 Electric vehicle charging station installation requirements. <br /> A. Electric vehicle charging station equipment shall meet the requirements of the California <br /> Electrical Code, the Society of Automotive Engineers, the National Electrical Manufacturers <br /> Association, and accredited testing laboratories such as Underwriters Laboratories, and rules of <br /> the Public Utilities Commission or applicable electric utility regarding safety and reliability. <br /> B. Installation of electric vehicle charging stations and associated wiring, bonding, <br /> disconnecting means, and overcurrent protective devices shall meet the requirements of Article <br /> 625 and all applicable provisions of the California Electrical Code. <br /> C. Installation of electric vehicle charging stations shall be incorporated into the load <br /> calculations of all new or existing electrical services and shall meet the requirements of the <br /> California Electrical Code. Electric vehicle charging equipment shall be considered a continuous <br /> load. <br /> D. Anchorage of either floor-mounted or wall-mounted electric vehicle charging stations <br /> shall meet the requirements of the California Building or Residential Code as applicable per <br /> occupancy, and the provisions of the manufacturer's installation instructions. Mounting of <br /> charging stations shall not adversely affect building elements. <br /> 2843932.1 <br />