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8E Consent Calendar 2017 1002
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2017 1002
8E Consent Calendar 2017 1002
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10/12/2017 6:07:14 PM
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10/12/2017 6:07:12 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 17-552 <br />RMRA funds to the CTC. October 16, 2017 is the due date for reporting planned expenditures in <br />fiscal year 2018 (which runs from November 1, 2017 through October 31, 2018). Although the <br />CTC is not an ‘approving’ body, project lists will be reviewed to ensure they include statutorily <br />required information to establish eligibility for funding. Failure to submit a project list to the CTC <br />and establish annual eligibility will result in forfeiture of monthly apportionments. Currently, there is <br />no process to recoup lost apportionments, which would be distributed to eligible agencies. <br />SB 1 requires the project list to include four components: <br />·Project Description <br />·The location of each proposed project (‘citywide’ is not an option) <br />·Schedule for completion <br />·Estimated useful life of improvement <br />California Streets and Highways Code, Section 2034 (a)(1) stipulates that the list must be <br />pursuant to an adopted budget (or budget amendment), approved at a public meeting, and that all <br />projects proposed to receive funding shall be included in the city’s budget. <br />The list cannot limit flexible use of funds, provided that funds are only used for eligible projects, <br />meaning that a city can fund projects in a given year not on the project list, or not fund projects that <br />were on the project list. At the end of the fiscal year, the City will report back to the CTC on the <br />locations of work performed. Per established guidelines, any listed projects not <br />started/completed can be moved to the next year’s list. Changes to the list do not require going <br />back to the CTC for an amendment. <br />In order to receive RMRA funding, a city or county must annually expend from its general fund for <br />street, road, and highway purposes an amount not less than the annual average of its <br />expenditures from its general fund during the fiscal years 2009-2010, 2010-2011, and 2011-2012 <br />(Streets and Highways Code Section 2036(b)). This is referred to as the ‘Maintenance of Effort’, <br />or MOE. If a city or county fails to meet the MOE in a fiscal year, it can be made up in the following <br />fiscal year. The CTC can audit to determine that the MOE was met and non-compliant agencies <br />may have to reimburse the state. <br />Included in the MOE are unrestricted, discretionary funds including vehicle in-lieu tax revenues <br />and revenues from fines and forfeitures, expended for street, road, and highway purposes. <br />One-time allocations expended for street and highway purposes, but which may not be available <br />on an ongoing basis, including revenue provided under the Teeter Plan Bond Law of 1994, are <br />excluded. Additionally, HUTA funds are not part of the MOE calculation. <br />The information below outlines proposed work through October 31, 2017 (end of State’s fiscal <br />year). <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/12/2017
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