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File Number: 17-552 <br />In-House Streets Maintenance - 2018 <br />·Adason Drive (Residential; PCI 7) - Between Halcyon Dr. to Hesperian Blvd., placement <br />of thin overlay of travel lane and crack-seal surface. Work anticipated to increase PCI by <br />30-45 points, extending life 4-5 years. <br />·150th Avenue (Arterial; PCI 49) - Between Hesperian Blvd. to City Limits, remove and <br />replace distressed pavement sections and crack-seal surface. Work anticipated to <br />increase PCI by 25-30 points, extending life 5-6 years. <br />·Durant Avenue (Collector; PCI 23) - South side of road between E. 14th St. to Bancroft <br />Ave., remove and replace distressed pavement and crack-seal surface. Work anticipated <br />to increase PCI by 35-40 points, extending life 5-6 years. <br />·Lafayette Avenue (Residential; PCI 25) - Between Lorraine Blvd. to California Ave., <br />remove and replace distressed pavement and crack-seal surface. Work anticipated to <br />increase PCI by 35-40 points, extending life 5-6 years. <br />·Miller Street (Local; PCI 45) - Between Fairway Dr. and Factor Ave., remove and replace <br />distressed pavement and crack-seal surface. Work anticipated to increase PCI by 35-40 <br />points, extending life 5-6 years. <br />·Factor Avenue (Local; PCI 68) - End to end, remove and replace distressed pavement <br />and crack-seal surface. Work anticipated to increase PCI by 35-40 points, extending life 5 <br />-6 years. <br />Budget Authority <br />The City’s MOE, as established by the State Controller’s Office (SCO) for the State’s 2018 fiscal <br />year (November 1, 2017 - October 31, 2018) is $3,127,163. As indicated previously, this amount <br />is the average reported general fund expenditures for fiscal years 2010, 2011, and 2012. The <br />City’s adopted Street Maintenance budget (140-31-056) for FY 2018 is $2,628,545. Given that <br />State monies will not be allocated for a full fiscal year, adequate funds exist in the City’s Gas Tax <br />account to accommodate the required MOE. No budgetary actions are required. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />None. <br />PREPARED BY: Debbie Pollart, Director, Public Works Department <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/12/2017