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File Number: 18-012 <br />be normally associated with the performance of their work; <br />3. Additionally, the Code also requires consideration of the following criteria: <br />There must be a well-defined connection between the contributions of the individual and <br />the property or facility, and finally, <br />4. In cases where there is a request to rename a facility, the next of kin of the individual for <br />whom the facility is currently named should be notified of the proposed change and given <br />the opportunity for input before the City Council acts on the request. <br />Currently, there are several facilities or structures named after former councilmembers or <br />distinguished San Leandro citizens (see attachment). For example, the building that will house the <br />Community Room, the Helen Lawrence South Offices, is named after the first female Mayor of <br />San Leandro. Other examples of such structures or facilities include: the Polvorosa-Maltester <br />Overpass, Dave Karp Senior Meeting Room, Luster Knight Memorial, Wes McClure Boat Launch <br />Ramp, Mary Brown Room, Estudillo Room and Burrell Field. Each of these facilities or structures <br />was named after an individual who made significant, notable and tangible contributions to the <br />facility in question or to the San Leandro community at large. <br />Analysis <br />The Rules Committee was tasked with assessing whether the request met the above-referenced <br />criteria of the Administrative Code. If the criteria are met, the Committee had the option to identify <br />a structure or facility where there is a well-defined connection between the contributions of Ms. <br />Grant and a structure or facility in San Leandro. Upon review of the Rules Committee, the matter <br />would then be forwarded to the Library Historical Commission, with a final determination to be <br />made by the full City Council. <br />Based on the historical significance of naming a facility after Surlene Grant, who was the first <br />African American to serve on the San Leandro City Council, the Rules Committee determined <br />that the preliminary requirements for naming or renaming structures in San Leandro had been <br />met. This determination was subsequently forwarded to the Library Historical Commission for <br />their consideration. <br />Rules Committee Recommendation <br />At the September 25, 2017, meeting, the Committee recommended that the City Council <br />consider renaming either the new community room in the South Offices or the proposed triangle <br />gateway on East 14th Street after Surlene Grant. Both projects are currently in the design phase. <br />The Community Room - The planned community room in the South Offices is intended to be a <br />multi-purpose meeting room that can be made available to members of the public. The new room <br />will include state-of-the art audio/visual equipment designed to aid in facilitating meetings, <br />including teleconferencing capabilities and the ability to record and broadcast meetings on cable <br />television. Current design concepts also include new restrooms, a food preparation and general <br />storage and equipment area, new ceiling finishes, data ports and floor outlets, as well as <br />upgraded lighting. Construction is expected to begin in 2019. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/9/2018