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(d) Five Hour Zones: Those streets and municipal parking lots, or portions thereof, as designated by the City Council by ordinance are hereby established as five (5) hour parking meter zones between the hours of 9:00 <br />a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of every day except Sundays and holidays. <br /> (e) Ten Hour Zones: Those streets and municipal parking lots, or portions thereof, as designated by <br />the City Council by ordinance are hereby established as ten (10) hour parking meter zones between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of every day except Sundays and holidays. <br />6-2-125 TIME LIMIT. <br /> No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle in a parking space in a parking meter zone for a period of time greater than that prescribed for such parking space. <br /> Any vehicle parked at an inoperable or broken parking meter shall be permitted to park for the maximum <br />time period permitted for that parking meter. <br /> <br />6-2-130 UNLAWFUL DEPOSITS. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any defaced or bent coin, or any slug, <br />metallic device or other substitute for United States coin. <br /> <br />6-2-135 DAMAGING METERS. No person shall deface, injure, tamper with, open or wilfully willfully break, destroy or impair the <br />usefulness of any parking meter. <br /> <br />6-2-140 PARKING METER FEES. The parking meter fees for the parking meter zones established in this Article shall be in conformance with <br />the latest adopted City user fees and service charges. <br />6-2-145 USE OF REVENUE. The revenue raised by the collection of parking meter fees shall be paid into the treasury of this City, and shall be used for costs of acquisition, installation and maintenance of parking meters, municipal parking lots and <br />traffic control devices; costs of regulation of traffic and parking; and other related costs. <br /> ARTICLE 3. RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT PROGRAM <br />6-2-310 DEFINITIONS. <br /> Unless the context otherwise requires, the terms used in the Article shall have the following meanings: <br /> (a) “Designated residential parking permit area” means any contiguous area upon which the Council imposes parking limitations pursuant to the authority granted by this Article. <br /> (b) “Non-residential vehicle” means a motor vehicle not eligible to be issued a residential parking permit, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Article, for the specific area in which it is parked. <br /> (c) “Fourteen (14) day visitor Visitor permit” means a parking permit issued pursuant to this Article or an ordinance enacted pursuant to the authority granted herein, which shall exempt the vehicle from parking time <br />restrictions established pursuant to this chapter for a period of fourteen (14) days, beginning upon the date indicated upon the face of said permit authorized. <br />6-2-315 PARKING PERMIT EXEMPTION. <br />1190