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The City Manager shall cause parking meters to be installed in all parking meter zones upon the curb, sidewalk or other area immediately adjacent to or near each parking space. Each parking meter shall be installed in <br />such manner as to indicate by visual signal that the regulated parking space is or is not legally in use and by visual register the remaining period of time of such legal use after deposit of fees therein as hereinafter prescribed. <br />No person shall park a vehicle in a parking meter zone, except as otherwise permitted by this chapter, without <br />immediately depositing payment corresponding to the parking space occupied such lawful payment as is permitted <br />or required by such parking meter, and when required by directions on the meter setting in operation the timing mechanism thereof, unless the parking meter indicates at the time such vehicle is parked that an unexpired portion remains of the period of time for which a payment has previously been deposited. <br />Each parking meter shall bear an inscription indicate the period of time that a vehicle may legally be stopped, parked <br />or left standing in the regulated parking space. <br /> When any vehicle is parked in any space alongside of or next to a single-space parking meter which is located in <br />accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or when any vehicle is parked in any space or zone adjacent to which a multi-space parking meter is located in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the operator of said vehicle <br />shall, upon entering said parking space or zone, immediately cause to be deposited in the appropriate denomination, or otherwise immediately purchase time using an approved method of payment, according to the time interval <br />desired within the maximum limit and the posted parking rates. <br />6-2-110 PARKING SPACES. <br /> The City Manager shall cause each parking space within a parking meter zone to be marked with white <br />lines designating such parking space. No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle in a parking meter zone in any manner other than wholly within a parking space so designated. <br /> <br />6-2-115 DEPOSIT OF FEES. <br /> Any person who shall stop, park or leave standing a vehicle in a parking space in a parking meter zone shall immediately thereupon deposit fees as hereinafter prescribed in the parking meter adjacent to or near such parking <br />space. <br /> <br />6-2-120 TIME EXPIRED. <br /> No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle in a parking space in a parking meter zone at any <br />time during which the parking meter signal indicates that the parking space is not legally in use except during such time as is reasonably necessary to deposit fees in such parking meter. The parking meter zones are as follows: <br />No person shall purchase time from any parking meter using any method of payment for the purpose of increasing or extending the parking time of any vehicle beyond the legal parking time which has been established for the parking <br />space or zone adjacent to which said parking meter is placed. <br /> (a) Twenty-four Minute Zones: Those streets and municipal parking lots or portions thereof as <br />designated by the City Council by ordinance are hereby established as twenty-four (24) minute parking meter zones between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of every day except Sundays and holidays. <br /> (b) One Hour Zones: Those streets and municipal parking lots, or portions thereof, as designated by the City Council by ordinance are hereby established as one hour parking meter zones between the hours of 9:00 <br />a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of every day except Sundays and holidays. <br /> (c) Two Hour Zones: Those streets and municipal parking lots, or portions thereof, as designated by <br />the City Council by ordinance are hereby established as two (2) hour parking meter zones between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of every day except Sundays and holidays. <br />1189