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8K Consent Calendar 2018 0220
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Packet 2018 0220
8K Consent Calendar 2018 0220
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2/14/2018 1:44:56 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 17-642 <br />San Leandro Municipal Code will not allow shifting of parked vehicles. Therefore, vehicles will no <br />longer be allowed to hopscotch within time limit zones like Washington Plaza. The City will utilize <br />new license plate recognition (LPR) technology mounted on parking aide vehicles to monitor <br />compliance with this regulation and ensure that parking space utilization adheres to the posted <br />policy. The LPR technology will have the ability to monitor space occupancy within designated <br />zones and, based upon the proposed code amendment, vehicles will be required to move at least <br />one-tenth of a mile. <br />Other proposed adaptations to the Municipal Code include an overall reorganization of Chapter <br />6-2 to address the workflow of the proposed changes to the parking meter operation. First, <br />defining Parking Meter Zones (6-2-100). This section is being updated to allow Council the future <br />flexibility to address special parking needs or restrictions that may be considered in the near <br />future, including the upcoming recommendation to create a Parking Meter Zone near and <br />immediately around the BART parking lots. <br /> <br />Staff recommends that Parking Meters (6-2-105) be updated to address the existing technology <br />changes and allow for future adjustments. For example, the code changes will facilitate the paid <br />parking experience and allow for the use of different types of paid parking technology including <br />the use of mobile payment services. Customers will no longer be limited to payment with coins at <br />the meters but now will have the option to pay for parking via phone (text, call, or mobile <br />application). After a City issued RFP, Parkmobile, LLC, was selected to provide mobile <br />payments to support the San Leandro parking program. Parkmobile currently serves local <br />communities in the area such as Oakland, Walnut Creek, and Berkeley among others, which <br />means that many customers are already familiar with the vendor in the East Bay. The mobile <br />payment service is provided at no cost to the City and customers pay a transaction fee to utilize <br />the service. <br />Consistent with the DPMP, updates are being applied to most of the posted time limits <br />throughout downtown. The proposed amendment to Time Expired (6-2-120) will prohibit a person <br />from feeding a meter beyond the posted time limit. To achieve the objectives of parking space <br />occupancy and turnover, this section combined with the no reparking updates will be imperative <br />to achieve the overall goals and objectives defined within the DPMP. The current Time Limit <br />(6-2-125) incorporates recent state legislation that allows a vehicle to park at an inoperable meter <br />but must still comply with the posted time limits. <br />Staff also recommends updates to Article 3 Residential Parking Permit (RPP) Program. The <br />overall proposed enhancements to this Article are intended to allow for the use of technology and <br />automation as a customer convenience. Since Parking Aides will be utilizing LPR technology to <br />monitor parking, the City has the opportunity to eventually transition to a digital or virtual permit <br />rather than a physical sticker or display. This will provide users the opportunity to manage their <br />permit account online and allow the convenience of utilizing their license plate as the permit for <br />their vehicle. This section also tightens the restrictions ensuring that RPP vehicles must have a <br />valid registration to participate and prohibits non-motorized vehicles from participating, which will <br />help to manage on-street vehicle storage issues. <br />As BART usage continues to expand, and parking regulations are further enforced around the <br />BART station, it is anticipated that the surrounding residential areas will be impacted. By <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/13/2018 <br />1182
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