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(e) BLUE indicates parking limited exclusively to the vehicles of physically handicapped persons, which <br />vehicles display either a distinguishing license plate or a placard issued pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22511.5. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS <br />6-1-810 OBSTRUCTION OF ENFORCEMENT. <br /> No person shall obstruct the enforcement of this Chapter by any officer or employee of the City of San Leandro <br />by: (a) removing, obliterating or concealing any distinguishing mark placed by any such officer or employee on any <br />vehicle in the course of. enforcing any provision of this Chapter, or; <br />(b) moving any vehicle from any parking space on any street or municipal parking lot where parking is limited as to time to any other parking space on any street or municipal parking lot where parking is limited as to time <br />for the purpose of evading any such parking time limitation established by or pursuant to any provision of this Chapter. <br /> <br />i. For the purpose of Parking regulations other than a violation of 6-1-405(a) (Parking Prohibited for <br />More than 72 Hours), a vehicle must be moved a minimum of one-tenth of a mile during the limited parking period; otherwise, it shall be deemed to have remained stationary. <br /> <br />CHAPTER 6-2 PARKING METER AND TOW AWAY ZONES <br />ARTICLE 1. PARKING METER ZONES <br />6-2-100 PARKING METER ZONES <br />(a) Parking Meter Zones. The City Council, on the recommendation of the City Manager, shall by resolution <br />from time to time as traffic conditions require, designate parking meter zones, upon such streets or portions of streets of the City of San Leandro as are selected for the location of parking meter zones; and the City <br />Manager shall cause parking meters to be installed and shall cause parking meter spaces to be designated within parking meter zones, as hereinafter provided. The City Council, on recommendation of the City <br />Manager, may modify or eliminate parking meter zones. <br />Unless otherwise permitted by signs, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in a parking meter zone between the hours designated within the parking meter zone of any day for longer than the prescribed <br />period. For purposes of this section, the term parking meter zone means an area in which signs, parking meters or curb markings prescribe a designated period for parking of vehicles. <br /> (b) Variations. When temporary special parking or traffic conditions require different hours or days of parking <br />restrictions, the City Manager may vary the hours and days during which the restrictions in the parking meter zones shall be in effect, and, when authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall <br />stop, stand, or park any vehicle contrary to the direction or provisions of such signs. <br />(c) Off-Street Parking Meter Zones. The City Council may by resolution establish off-street parking meter <br />zones, including any land owned, leased, or controlled by the City, as traffic and parking conditions <br />require. Such resolution shall also establish the fees for parking in such off-street parking meter zones. <br /> <br />6-2-105 PARKING METERS. <br />1188