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File Number: 18-017 <br />The 2009 roundabout design concept requires bicyclists to either ride in the same lane as motor <br />vehicles or to share the sidewalk with pedestrians. Based on comments received at public <br />meetings, most individuals expressed a preference for a dedicated lane for bicyclists, so <br />protected bike lanes were added to the conceptual design, which increased the project’s <br />footprint. Amendment number 1 to the consulting services agreement was issued to BKF <br />Engineers for preparation of a new conceptual plan. <br />Analysis <br />There is inadequate space within the public right-of-way to accommodate the new project <br />footprint. Thus, right-of-way and temporary construction easements are necessary from the liquor <br />store property at 650 MacArthur Boulevard, located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection <br />and from the Caltrans property located to the northeast of the intersection. <br />Expanding the project limits requires additional surveying, mapping and design work not included <br />as part of the original scope of work for BKF Engineers. A second amendment to the contract <br />with BKF Engineers is required with Council authorization to cover the costs of additional field <br />and office work required due to the expansion of the project footprint. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On April 4, 2016 by Resolution 2016-040, the City Council approved a consulting services <br />agreement with BKF Engineers for $97,490.00 for the preparation of construction-ready <br />plans, specifications and estimates for the subject project. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Goal T-3, Policy T-3.6 (Transportation - Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation): Improve the <br />walkability of all streets in San Leandro through the planning, implementation, and maintenance of <br />pedestrian supportive infrastructure. <br />Goal T-5, Policy T-5.4 (Transportation - Streets and Highways): Use a variety of technology-driven <br />measures to improve traffic flow at congested intersections <br />Goal T-6, Policy T-6.1 (Transportation - Neighborhood Traffic Management): Use a variety of <br />approaches to slow down or “calm” traffic on San Leandro streets, based on the specific <br />conditions on each street. Emphasize approaches that improve conditions for pedestrians and <br />bicyclists and enhance neighborhood aesthetics. <br />Goal T-7, Policy T-7.2 (Transportation - Traffic Safety): Identify capital improvements and other <br />measures which improve the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians, and motor vehicles on San Leandro <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/1/2018 <br />1473