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File Number: 18-190 <br /> <br />Public present: See list <br /> <br />1.B. Announcements <br />Resident’s question was addressed during the City Council meeting regarding striping project. <br /> <br />2. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2.A. 18-054 Capital Improvement Process (CIP) for 2020 & 2021 and CIP Funding <br />Director Cooke led the discussion on introducing the development of the capital improvement <br />process in anticipation of the new budget document. Outreach by way of on-line and paper <br />surveys will be available during the next Town Hall to solicit information from residents. <br />The CIP committee will conduct community outreach and will have an opportunity during the <br />Cherry Festival to gather input from residents. The committee will review projects that are <br />relevant based on preliminary scores gathered through July. After Finance has reviewed the CIP <br />budget, the committee will discuss this further during next scheduled meeting. <br />The committee reviewed strategies to help understand the scoring measures and criteria to <br />provide a benchmark for review of all of the funded and unfunded projects, such as: <br />·Traffic safety improvements <br />·Grant programming <br />·Collaborating with other agencies for rail studies to provide state and federal funding <br />eligibility <br />·Additional sanitary sewer inspection / storm drain projects <br />The Finance Director David Baum reviewed with the committee strategies to meet cash flow <br />requirements. <br />Committee Requests/Direction to Staff: <br />The committee would like to include previous results from past surveys with the input and help <br />from the public to kick off the upcoming CIP survey. <br />The committee would like more publicity to feature the History Museum in the library. <br />The committee would like to create a contingency plan to avoid budget restriction and to ensure <br />completion of a project. The committee would like staff to monitor the various funding source to <br />ensure that the City remains competitive for grant funding opportunities. <br />2.B. 118-155 Staff Report for a Presentation on the 2017-18 Neighborhood Traffic <br />Calming Program <br />Principal Engineer Michael Stella presented an overview of the program; speed cushions, radar <br />signs, raised crosswalks, curb extensions/bulb-outs and related costs associated with the <br />program. The program relies on neighborhood support. Applications submitted are scored by <br />traffic volume, speed, collision history and pedestrian generators which allows for the <br />development of a prioritized list of streets. The committee reviewed the submitted and prioritized <br />residential and collector streets that are eligible and not eligible to participate in the program. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/15/2018 <br />20