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A SMART CITY VISION FOR THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />This Master Plan introduces a Smart City Strategy that identifies several, significant areas <br />where San Leandro can develop or further expand initiatives and projects for its vision as <br />a Smart City. These areas where identified throughout the planning process, in <br />conjunction with resident and business outreach as well as departmental interviews with <br />City Staff and elected officials. Initiatives in these areas align with San Leandro's existing <br />infrastructure strengths, current and future needs, as well as address challenges facing <br />the City and region in the future. <br />These areas include: <br />• Digital Transformation, the process of creating a digital City government <br />experience, often called "e -Government," which includes digital services and open <br />data; <br />• Smart Buildings & Facilities, connecting facilities and using integrated <br />management systems for climate control, HVAC, energy; <br />• Smart Streetlights, Small Cells, and preparing for the deployment of 5G; <br />• Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems that adaptive to real-time traffic conditions, <br />making San Leandro streets more efficient; <br />• Public Safety, and using intelligence and data to help improve quality of life; <br />• Digital Inclusion, which entails connecting the unconnected and helping <br />community members engage in the digital economy; <br />• Public Wi-Fi and infrastructure to drive economic development and bridge the <br />digital divide. <br />Emerging needs have also been considered in these areas, ranging from smart metering <br />to drones to autonomous vehicles. All of these technologies and initiatives share a <br />common infrastructure and unifying factor: the fiber optic network, which must be reliable, <br />secure, and highly available. <br />BROADBAND IMPLEMENTATION ALTERNATIVES & STRATEGY <br />This Fiber Optics Master Plan and Smart City Strategy provides an incremental approach <br />for the City, focusing on meeting the needs of the City, other public agency partners, and <br />the greater business community. This document outlines an overall strategy for the <br />implementation of Smart City solutions, broadband throughout the City, potential business <br />models for deployment, and overall costs for development over time. <br />9 1 P <br />City of San Leandro, CA <br />Fiber Master Plan <br />