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1. Review and Adopt the Broadband Master Plan <br />2. Finalize Strategy, Budgets and Timelines <br />3. Inventory Existing Assets <br />4. Develop and Issue RFP for Design Engineering of the Outside Plant (Phase 2) <br />5. Develop and Issue an RFP for Construction and Project Management (Phase 2) <br />6. Engineer Operational Support Systems (Phase 2) <br />7. Develop and Issue an RFP for O&M Contract (Phase 2) <br />CONCLUSIONS <br />There are many options available to the City and its stakeholders and partners to achieve <br />their goals of providing robust broadband throughout the City. The City has already <br />entered into this business with their arrangement with Lit San Leandro. This report has <br />recommendations based on Magellan Advisors' experience, that can help Lit San <br />Leandro enhance its product offering and make more broadband available and affordable <br />throughout the City. These recommendations need to be further evaluated by Lit San <br />Leandro and the City to ensure the needs of the City are being met and that it will continue <br />to support the City's goals now and into the future. Many options are discussed, and this <br />report includes risks associated with each model. The City's risk tolerance, in terms of <br />financial obligations and disruptions to current operating paradigms, will need to be <br />considered in determining the City's role in advancing broadband services to the San <br />Leandro community. <br />In general, in order to mitigate the aforementioned risks, it is recommended that the City <br />of San Leandro take an incremental and collaborative approach to the implementation <br />and upgrade of broadband infrastructure throughout the City. An incremental and <br />opportunistic deployment of broadband within the region will be supported through <br />consistent wireless and dig once policies and best governance practices that emphasize <br />incorporating broadband into the daily activities of every City department and local and <br />regional public agencies for economic development, bridging the digital divide, Smart City <br />and enhancing public safety. <br />17 1 P <br />City of San Leandro, CA <br />Fiber Master Plan <br />