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File Number: 18-464 <br />costs for a total employee contribution of 10% in the first year and 3% employee contribution <br />towards the City’s CalPERS retirement costs for a total employee contribution of 11%, effective <br />July 1, 2019. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Government Code Section 20516 requires that cost sharing be established for a group of <br />employees. To comply with this requirement for the purposes of cost sharing, CalPERS requires <br />the City Council to adopt a Resolution forming a separate Executive Management Group with the <br />City Manager designated as an “Executive Management member”. While the City Manager’s <br />employment agreement specifies the employee cost-share contribution, CalPERS requires a <br />Resolution specifically identifying information that is applicable to the Executive Management <br />Group. <br />In addition, the City must amend its contract with CalPERS each time a new cost sharing <br />provision is effective. The process to amend the CalPERS contract requires the City Council to <br />adopt a Resolution of Intention to approve an amendment to the contract and to introduce an <br />Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the contract. The second reading of the Ordinance will <br />be presented to the City Council for adoption on November 5, 2018. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />There is no fiscal impact with the approval of this resolution. The fiscal impact of the cost sharing <br />was presented when the employment agreement was approved. <br />Previous Action <br />·Approved Employment Agreement with Jeffrey Kay to Serve as the City Manager. <br />Attachments: <br />·Amendment to CalPERS contract <br />PREPARED BY: Emily Hung, Human Resources Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/25/2018