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File Number: 18-556 <br />direct reimbursement to the City for any time the consultant spends processing applications. <br />Costs which are not recoverable or are partially recoverable, such as providing general customer <br />service at the Permit Center or certain fixed-fee applications, will come from the Planning <br />Division’s established consulting services budget. Allocated wages and salaries are also eligible <br />to support some of the costs incurred during interim vacancies. <br />The professional services contract with Rincon Consultants, Inc. is limited in scope and cannot <br />substitute for long-term staffing needs, because it limits individual consultants from exceeding <br />800 hours of service within a 12-month period. The total cost of all work to be performed cannot <br />exceed $250,000 annually. Rincon is familiar with the City of San Leandro as it currently holds a <br />contract to provide contract environmental consulting services and also was subcontracted to <br />prepare the Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development Plan environmental impact report (Bay Fair <br />TOD EIR). The firm will primarily be relied upon to provide contract staffing services during <br />periods of maternity and medical leaves and to fill interim vacancies caused by staff departures. It <br />is anticipated that at least half of the costs incurred under this contract will be directly supported <br />by deposits and fees paid by applicants. <br />Legal Analysis <br />This report and contract was reviewed by the City Attorney and approved as to form. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The work to be performed by Rincon Consultants will be primarily funded by application fees and <br />direct-cost deposits paid by project applicants. The remainder of the non-recoverable costs will <br />come from the Planning Division’s Professional Services Consulting budget line item <br />(010-41-001-5120), of which there is currently an available balance of $140,962 for FY2018-19. <br />This contract time period will begin on December 1, 2018 and end on June 30, 2021. Because <br />the contract will begin mid-year FY2018-19, approximately $125,000 should be sufficient to fund <br />the remainder of this current fiscal year. Below is a breakdown of the funding and sources for this <br />contract over the contract period: <br />·FY 2018-19 (12/1/18 - 6/30/18) - $125,000 - from current available balance per FY 2018- <br />19 Council approved budget <br />·FY 2019-20 - not to exceed $250,000 - to be requested for City Council approval for 2 <br />Year (FY 2019-21) Budget <br />·FY 2020-21 - not to exceed $250,000 - to be requested for City Council approval for 2 <br />Year (FY 2019-21) Budget <br />ATTACHMENTS to Resolution <br />·Draft Consulting Services Agreement for Rincon Consultants <br />PREPARED BY: <br />Andrew J. Mogensen, AICP <br />Planning Manager <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/13/2018