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City of San Jose, California <br />TITLE <br />CITY HALL EVENT LIGHTING POLICY <br />PAGE 4 of 4 POLICY NUMBER <br />7-14 <br />APPROVAL PROCESS <br />City Activities <br />Rotunda lighting requests are to be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review to <br />determine adherence to this policy, date availability, and resources. Requests are to be submitted <br />at least 20 business days prior, or as soon as possible, to the first date of lighting display for the <br />Rotunda, except for Honorary or Solidarity Events described in Section B(5) above. Tower <br />lighting requests are to be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and <br />adherence to this policy, date availability, and resources and will be subject to staff resources and <br />applicable cost recovery fees required from City Departments. The Department of Public Works <br />will waive the applicable fees once the Tower lighting infrastructure becomes fully automated. <br />Private Activities <br />Rotunda lighting requests are to be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review to <br />determine adherence to this policy, date availability, resources, and applicable fees. Requests are <br />to be submitted at least 20 business days prior, or as soon as possible, to the first date of lighting <br />display. Tower lighting is not available for use by private entities. <br />PRIORITY <br />Lighting activities in conjunction with a facilities rental agreement will be determined by the <br />agreement. The City Manager or City Council has the right to cancel and/or change the Rotunda <br />lighting schedule, including those in a facility rental agreement, in the event of an Honorary or <br />Solidarity Event in Section B(5) above. In such an event, every effort will be made to reschedule <br />the event to meet the needs of the requestor, and the requestor’s sole recourse against the City <br />shall be a refund for that paid for the lighting in the facilities rental agreement. If there are <br />lighting request conflicts, the following is a sequence of the priorities, with the highest priorities <br />listed first: <br />Honorary or Solidarity Events <br />Facility Rental Agreements <br />Approval by City Manager or Events by Proclamation <br />Event schedule listed in this policy <br />FEES <br />Tower lighting requests are subject to staffing and programming fees and will be waived once the <br />Tower lighting becomes fully automated. Private lighting activities are subject to Fees and <br />Charges as established by Council resolution.