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4/25/2018 Measure DD: Police and Fire Parcel Tax - Alameda County, CA <br /> <br />The ordinance provides that the City will adopt administrative guidelines <br />to assist in implementing this tax. The administrative guidelines will <br />address how the taxing category for mixed-use property will be <br />determined, address procedures to allow lower income senior citizen <br />residential property owners to apply for a tax reduction, and will address <br />matters related to the interpretation and enforcement of the ordinance. <br />The ordinance provides a claims procedure for requesting a tax refund, <br />and imposes penalties for untimely or unpaid taxes. <br />This tax is a special tax. If approved by the voters, this special tax <br />becomes effective on January 1, 2005. The ordinance will be repealed 5 <br />1/2 years after the effective date unless previously extended by the <br />voters. The ordinance specifies that proceeds from this special tax may <br />only be used to fund police and fire protection services as that term is <br />defined in the ordinance. As this tax is a special tax, it requires a "yes" <br />vote of two-thirds of the voters to pass. <br />s/JAYNE W. WILLIAMS <br />City Attorney <br />Arguments For Measure DD Arguments Against Measure DD <br />Over the past 10 years San Leandro's population has <br />grown by more than 10,000 (14%). Today, the total of <br />our sworn police officers and firefighters is six fewer <br />than we had 10 years ago. Through efficient <br />management of limited financial resources, the Police <br />and Fire Departments have been able to respond to <br />increasing numbers of service calls to maintain an <br />effective level of public safety in the community. <br />At 1.2 officers per 1,000 population, San <br />Leandro's police staffing is 33% lower than the <br />average police staffing level throughout <br />Alameda County. The City's population is still <br />growing. In a perfect world we would be <br />adding, not eliminating police officers. <br />San Leandro's level of fire staffing is also <br />significantly lower than the County-wide <br />average. We have 7 fire companies housed in 5 <br />stations throughout the City. Cutting one <br />company (9 firefighters and a ladder truck) <br />would increase response times and risk loss of <br />life and property. <br />The safety and well-being of San Leandro <br />residents is at risk. We're not adding personnel; <br />this Public Safety measure will allow us to <br />maintain the level we have today. <br />For less than 22 cents a day, we will maintain <br />our current level of public safety protection and <br />retain some of the finest police officers and <br />firefighters in the Bay Area. Faced with <br />Unless you are a Non-Subsidized taxpayer, a renter <br />living with-in the city, or a city home-owner, then <br />Vote No on Measure DD. <br />Bear in mind, multi-family landlords, industrial and <br />commercial property owners as a group, pay little or <br />no tax. Businesses pass on all cost for their service or <br />products on down to their customers. First come <br />"rent" increases, then comes "homeowners" property <br />tax increases, and followed by tax/cost increases due <br />to public mandated products or services, such as Gas, <br />Electricity, Telephone, Water and Gasoline. <br />Again, with a disingenuous move, the city created a <br />meaningless budget based on their "public safety <br />parcel tax." In an effort to instill fear in the voters, the <br />City is complaining again about lost tax revenue, <br />which is not realized but only predicted. Also, the city <br />continues using their same old ideas, of cutting <br />police, fire and city libraries . . .! <br />Let us not overlook voters of San Leandro, who <br />themselves, have lawfully provided their own tax <br />repeal ballot measure marked (G) for the past <br />November 7, 2000 City election. At that time, city <br />voters had the historic opportunity to repeal a tax that <br />was a city enacted property tax, "without voters <br />approval." The supporter's without unlimited cash_ <br />cannot compete with the city's financial resources