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File Number: 18-572 <br />found, it would be important for the City Council to retain flexibility on the timing of any such <br />measure so that additional dialogue with the community could take place. <br />It is also important to highlight that the City Council and the community have not yet had an <br />opportunity to engage in the discussions required to assess needed and desired staffing levels <br />for public safety services relative to available funding. For example, a recent Standards of <br />Coverage Review conducted by Citygate Associates found that current staffing is generally <br />sufficient to meet response time standards. The Council will also need to consider the <br />appropriateness of increasing staffing levels given the significant increases in salary, benefit, and <br />retirements costs anticipated in the near future. It may also wish to consider technology and <br />potential “force multipliers” that may be available to address safety needs at lower costs. Once <br />desired staffing levels were determined, it would be prudent to establish priorities for expenditure <br />of potential revenues between police and fire, staffing and capital, and future service expansion <br />vs. unfunded legacy obligations. Should the Council ultimately move forward with a public safety <br />parcel tax - either now or in the future - all of these factors should be considered in a plan for <br />expenditure of the new revenues. <br />Based on these factors, staff recommends moving forward with the public opinion survey and <br />other related public affairs outreach efforts, and then returning for further feedback and direction in <br />early 2019 based on the outcome of those efforts. To the extent polling does not indicate strong <br />levels of community support, the Council may wish to consider exploring consolidation of a <br />revenue measure with the March 2020 primary or November 2020 presidential elections. If the <br />City Council wishes to move forward, staff will return at a future meeting with a corresponding <br />request to fund related outreach efforts. <br />Attachment(s) to Staff Report <br />·Summary of San Leandro Measure DD (2004) <br />·News Article Summary of Oakland’s 2019 vacant property tax measure <br />PREPARED BY: Eric Engelbart, Deputy City Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 8 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/13/2018