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File Number: 18-495 <br />Commission, Simon Kenney - Haygood & Associates <br />Public present: Virginia Madsen, Chris Bammer <br /> <br />1.B. Announcements <br />None. <br /> <br />2. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2.A. 18-489 Staff Update on the Interstate 880 /Davis Street Interchange Landscaping <br />Principal Engineer Michael Stella provided an update on the Interstate 880/Davis Street <br />Interchange Landscaping concept design. <br /> <br />Committee Requests/Direction to Staff: <br />Mayor Cutter is concerned with the residents’ health due to the air pollution around the (Area 1) <br />sound-wall on the southbound Davis off-ramp, improving the aesthetics between the residents <br />and freeway and is looking to ACTC and Caltrans for guidance. The Mayor commented on the <br />slope paving at the interchanges. <br />2.B.18-490 Staff Update on Non-City Projects <br />Principal Engineer Michael Stella provided a status on the BRT Update and upcoming PG&E <br />work on San Leandro Boulevard adjacent to the San Leandro BART Station. <br />The committee discussed parking impacts at San Leandro BART Transit Center due to the <br />project’s schedule. <br />Committee Requests/Direction to Staff: <br />Committee would like to find a proxy to attend the AC Transit BRT Policy Steering Committee <br />Meeting as backup when City staff or the Council representative is unable to attend. <br />2.C. 18-491 Staff Update on Capital Improvement Projects <br />City Engineer Nick Thom provided an update on CIP projects: <br />Street Sealing - Staff report and resolution for authorization to increase scope through a change <br />order to complete additional accessible ramps as needed for Public Works recently completed <br />paving. <br />Police Building and South Office Modifications Project - Staff report and resolution to be <br />submitted to Council to appropriate additional funding and to reduce an unspecified project. <br />Park Street and West Broadmoor - Cost to convert the existing dura-curb and post delineators <br />into permanent concrete islands <br />Pedestrian crosswalk improvement on E 14th St & Joaquin Ave - Caltrans doesn’t permit <br />rainbow crosswalks, so staff is exploring alternatives <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/27/2018