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2018 State Legislative Summary Page 3 of 4 <br />securing by partisan support, securing 2/3rds support in both houses, and <br />ultimately negotiating the final language with the Governor’s office. <br />Summary:This was a major effort culminating in the Governor signing the bill <br />into law. <br />Created the State’s first ‘shared space’ cannabis permit. <br />TPA, working with the Department of Public Health, created the first ever <br />regulations that would allow cannabis manufacturers to share facilities. This <br />effort was intended to help older, urban cities that do not have vacant <br />warehouse space to be able to maximize their use. <br />Our efforts included:TPA was the lead working with the Department of Public <br />Health to draft regulatory language that allowed for operators, primarily small <br />businesses, to share space and equipment thereby lowering their startup <br />costs. <br />Summary:This too was a major effort culminating in the final, emergency <br />regulations adding this new section. <br />Transportation Funding <br />Another of the City’s top priorities for 2018 was to take steps to address the pavement condition of <br />East 14th street, also known as State Route 185. Surrounding homeowner associations, <br />neighborhood groups, business associations, individual residents and property owners have <br />expressed concerns that its current condition is negatively impacting the community and its <br />aesthetics, to the detriment of the residents, visitors, local businesses, and the travelling public. <br />The TPA/City team met with Assembly Member Bonta and the former Caltrans District 4 Director to <br />discuss options and create a plan to help get East 14th street repaved. Directly from this meeting <br />came the opportunity to authorize the California Transportation Commission to relinquish the portion <br />of State Route 185 that runs through the City of San Leandro directly to the City which would facilitate <br />the future ability of the City to revitalize this major corridor after Caltrans paved it. <br />. <br />AB 2473 authorizes the transfer of ownership of portions of Route 185 to the City of San Leandro. <br />Transfer is contingent upon the California Transportation Commission’s approval and the City of San <br />Leandro and Caltrans’ mutual agreement to a funding plan. This legislative effort gives the City <br />options and, just as importantly, bring scontinuing attention to the need for the pavement condition <br />issue to be addressed by the State. <br />Our efforts included:TPA was the lead working with Assembly Member <br />Bonta’s office to draft a legislative fact sheet, meeting with and briefing <br />Assembly and Senate policy committee staff, testifying in 4 committee <br />hearings on the City’s behalf, working with the legislative unit of Caltrans, and <br />meeting with the Governor’s office to explain why the condition of East 14 <br />th <br />Street is a matter of significant concern for San Leandrans. <br />Summary:The Governor signed the bill into law. <br />Park Bond <br />Proposition 68/Statewide Park Program Round 3 <br />In June of this year, California voters approved Proposition 68, which will award <br />$254,942,000 as part of the Statewide Park Program (SPP) - Round 3.