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Page 3 of 19 <br /> <br /> Additional Regulations – All Commercial and Professional Districts. <br />1. Front, side, corner side, and rear yards shall be subject to the regulations of <br />Section 4-1654: Building Projections into Yards and Courts. <br />2. Double-frontage lots shall provide the minimum front setback on each frontage. <br /> Additional Building Setback Requirements – CR-M District. No building in the C-RM <br />District shall be constructed within 40 feet of a structure in an R District. Any other <br />restriction on yards shall be as established pursuant to a conditional use approval or <br />development agreement. <br /> Additional Building Setback Requirements – DA-1 District. <br />1. Along East 14th Street, a minimum front setback of seven feet is required to <br />create a minimum 15-foot wide pedestrian zone. <br />2. Rear yards shall be consistent with the prevailing condition on each block. <br /> Additional Building Setback Requirements – DA-2, DA-3, and DA-6 Districts. <br />1. Front setbacks shall be consistent with the prevailing condition on each block. <br />2. Where ground floor residential is proposed, a minimum front setback of 10 feet <br />and a maximum of 15 feet shall be provided <br />3. For mixed-use buildings, the front setback shall not exceed 10 feet. <br />4. Rear yards shall be consistent with the prevailing condition on each block. <br /> Additional Building Setback Requirements – DA-4 District. <br />1. Front setbacks shall be consistent with the prevailing condition on each block. <br />2. Rear yards shall be consistent with the prevailing condition on each block. <br />3. Along the San Leandro Creek, the Zoning Enforcement Official shall determine <br />the applicable building setback for a creek trail and open space. <br /> Pre-Existing Residential in DA Districts. The Zoning Enforcement Official shall determine <br />the applicable building setback standards for modifications or additions to pre-existing <br />residential development based on the prevailing conditions on each block. <br /> Additional Building Setback Requirements – NA-2 District. <br />1. The front setback in the NA-2 District shall be as follows: 20 feet for one- and <br />two-story buildings and 25 feet for three-story buildings. <br />2. Side setbacks in the NA-2 District shall be 15 feet or one-half the building height, <br />whichever is greater. <br />3. Corner side setbacks in the NA-2 District shall be 20 feet, or one-half the building <br />height, whichever is greater. <br />4. Rear yard requirements in the NA-2 District, when adjoining RS Districts, shall be <br />increased to 25 feet for the second story and 35 feet for the third story. Rear <br />yards in the NA-2 District, when adjoining RD or RM Districts, shall be increased <br />to 25 feet.