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9 <br />Maximum Wall Length and Required Break <br />(The diagram is illustrative) <br />(Ord. 2016-012 § 4; Ord. 2007-020 § 2; Ord. 2004-007 § 2; Ord. 2001-015 § 1) <br />2-692 Density for Multi-Family Residential and Mixed-Use Residential Development <br />Density for Multi-Family Residential and Mixed-Use Residential Development. The minimum and maximum density for residential and mixed-use development is as <br />prescribed below. For minimum and maximum density calculations that result in <br />fractional amounts, numbers of 0.5 or greater shall be rounded up to the nearest whole integer, numbers less than 0.5 shall be rounded down to the nearest whole integer. <br />Zoning District Minimum Density <br />(Dwelling Unit / Acre) <br />Maximum Density <br />(Dwelling Unit / Acre) <br />CC, CN, C-RM n.a. 24(B) <br />CR, CS n.a. n.a. <br />DA-1 Parcels < 10,000 SF: n.a. Parcels < 10,000 SF: 24(B) <br />Parcels ≥ 10,000 SF: 35 Parcels ≥ 10,000 SF: 100(B) <br />DA-2 Parcels < 10,000 SF: n.a. Parcels < 10,000 SF: 24(B) <br />Parcels ≥ 10,000 SF: 20 Parcels ≥ 10,000 SF: 40(B) <br />DA-3 Parcels < 10,000 SF: n.a. Parcels < 10,000 SF: 24(B) <br />Parcels ≥ 10,000 SF: 20 Parcels ≥ 10,000 SF: 60(B) <br />DA-4 Parcels < 10,000 SF: n.a. Parcels < 10,000 SF: 24(B)