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11 <br /> Other Requirements: C-RM (Commercial - Regional Mall) District. The following additional requirements shall apply to development approvals in the C-RM District at the <br />time when new improvements are constructed and only in that area of the site that is <br />related to such new construction. <br />1. All signs shall be subject to the Article 18 Signs with respect to requirements for <br />installation permits and maintenance. <br />2. All outdoor storage and surface mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from public streets, on-site parking and vehicular or <br />pedestrian circulation areas open to the public. <br />3. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment either shall be screened from view from public streets, the elevated BART line, and on-site public parking and vehicular <br />or pedestrian circulation areas open to the public, or such equipment shall be designed or treated so as to be unobtrusive or visually attractive. <br />4. All utilities on-site shall be placed underground. (Ord. 2016-012 § 4; Ord. 2014- <br />011 § 2; Ord. 2007-020 § 2; Ord. 2004-007 § 2; Ord. 2001-015 § 1) <br /> <br />2-698 Amenities, Design Criteria for Multi-Family Residential, Mixed-Use Residential <br />Developments <br /> Projects subject to Site Plan Review shall include amenities and design criteria that <br />enhance the quality of tenants’ living or the appearance of the project and not cited <br />elsewhere in this Division. Projects shall include at least seven of these amenities. Amenities and criteria may include: <br />1. Fitness Center <br />2. Lap Pool <br />3. Common areas that are not private balconies <br />4. Tenant activity areas (Examples: joint eating and cooking areas, clubhouse, play <br />areas, screening room) <br />5. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations or 220 V power outlet for 15% of required <br />parking spaces. <br />6. Use of three or more colors <br />7. Use of three or more materials on the façade <br />8. Public art <br />9. Storage rooms <br />10. Main door-staffed with attendant <br />11. Bicycle lockers <br />12. Permeable concrete pavers in driveway and parking areas <br />13. Indoor and outdoor furniture in common areas <br />14. Façade or corner modulation of minimum 18-inch depth. (Examples: Bay windows, corner feature) <br />15. Playground